Message from @ChristianChicken1089

Discord ID: 767433150653268018

2020-10-18 16:58:51 UTC  


2020-10-18 16:59:20 UTC  

You can post theories here whether serious or not and others can choose to comment if they so choose xD

2020-10-18 17:00:19 UTC  

Ahhhh... thx. I'm a Newborn. I literally just got here.

2020-10-18 17:00:40 UTC  

@HUNTER4639 I have no idea. I’ve heard of a technology that’s being worked on to code human DNA effectively making your a trans human. Putting you out of the scope for Gods grace. That’s just a theory someone has though. The tech is really being made tho.

2020-10-18 17:00:58 UTC  


2020-10-18 17:01:08 UTC  

@TheDankness all good lol. Welcome in

2020-10-18 17:01:18 UTC  

It’s being made by Bill Gates

2020-10-18 17:01:27 UTC  

So it’s gotta be bad, lol

2020-10-18 17:01:58 UTC  

Revelation 13:4 
And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

2020-10-18 17:02:30 UTC  

The Bible is so vague about the Mark that it could be a variety of things

2020-10-18 17:02:54 UTC  

But we do know that until the Beast is revealed, There can’t be a Mark.

2020-10-18 17:02:54 UTC  

It's going to be a tattoo on the hand or the forehead

2020-10-18 17:03:03 UTC  

And no man can buy sell or trade lest he have the mark of the beast

2020-10-18 17:03:06 UTC  

That’s what we think anyways

2020-10-18 17:03:26 UTC  

The disciples had misconceptions about what Jesus was talking about, So I know we do too

2020-10-18 17:03:52 UTC  

A lot of what we think about the Bible is probably a misconception

2020-10-18 17:04:34 UTC  

We like to think we totally understand, but it’s not likely we do

2020-10-18 17:04:35 UTC  

enzyme luciferase

2020-10-18 17:04:59 UTC  

Will change our DNA

2020-10-18 17:05:11 UTC  

Making us no longer human

2020-10-18 17:05:21 UTC  

And since Jesus died to save humans,

2020-10-18 17:05:24 UTC  

We are no longer in the image of God we become Abominations

2020-10-18 17:05:33 UTC  


2020-10-18 17:05:57 UTC  


2020-10-18 17:06:13 UTC  


2020-10-18 17:06:18 UTC  

Oh man...

2020-10-18 17:06:35 UTC  

We can mess with a lot of things, But DNA is not to be tampered with

2020-10-18 17:06:41 UTC  

Too precious

2020-10-18 17:07:03 UTC  

Well I wouldn't hold it past Bill Gates the guy has the money and the scientists to do whatever experiments he wants

2020-10-18 17:07:19 UTC  


2020-10-18 17:07:21 UTC  

In the days of old we didn't have this technology so when the Fallen Angels Came Here the only way to mess up the human gene was by the mating with women creating what we call the Giants

2020-10-18 17:07:32 UTC  

I’m not saying it’s his fault, He doesn’t know what he’s doing

2020-10-18 17:07:58 UTC  

Why is it called the mark of the beast though? Will it actually be the mark of an animal tattooed signifying you are one of them?

2020-10-18 17:08:09 UTC  

We don’t know

2020-10-18 17:08:23 UTC  

This is true

2020-10-18 17:08:29 UTC  

Maybe an actual Mark? Maybe a metaphor?

2020-10-18 17:08:39 UTC  

Maybe it’s a spiritual Mark?

2020-10-18 17:08:41 UTC  

I think it's going to be an actual Mark a tattoo

2020-10-18 17:09:09 UTC  

Well this technology is speculated to applied via tattoo or something

2020-10-18 17:09:18 UTC  

I don’t know, I think I heard something about it

2020-10-18 17:09:23 UTC  

we talking about the microchips?