Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 768831516075229184

2020-10-22 03:53:33 UTC  

What are you filtering with?

2020-10-22 03:54:54 UTC  

you know those life straws?

2020-10-22 03:54:56 UTC  


2020-10-22 03:55:00 UTC  

for now anyway

2020-10-22 03:56:00 UTC  

then theres also those survival ones

2020-10-22 03:57:27 UTC  

Yeah. .had RO before. . Bitch having to remineralize though. .

2020-10-22 03:57:48 UTC  

i tried distilled water for a while

2020-10-22 03:57:55 UTC  

Thinking of building my own

2020-10-22 03:59:25 UTC  

Distilled is good, but water needs minerals too, and will leech them from available sources. . I.e.. your body.

2020-10-22 03:59:32 UTC  


2020-10-22 04:01:12 UTC  

Was mixing Himalayan salt into the ro water, but I think you could just add pellets to a final stage on a multi stage filter system

2020-10-22 04:01:44 UTC  

don't they sell mineral pills or whatever for that?

2020-10-22 04:02:02 UTC  


2020-10-22 04:02:14 UTC  

Basically pellets

2020-10-22 04:03:29 UTC  

At the time I got into RO the market was pretty disconnected though. . Way easier now

2020-10-22 07:56:20 UTC  

conspiracy *by history on yt no judge meh* ahem ahem, aliens built pyramids in the antarctic reagons for humans to use it as an example or smth or a refrence to build eveywhere else

2020-10-22 08:16:29 UTC  


2020-10-22 08:16:31 UTC  


2020-10-22 11:44:45 UTC  


2020-10-22 11:55:44 UTC  

But really though, environmentalism was started after the Cold War when people saw socialism doesn’t work. The leaders of socialism in the US then came up with environmentalism as a way for heavy regulation, using the cover up that it is to protect the environment, to control companies and the means of manufacturing.

2020-10-22 13:41:57 UTC  

this isnt a theory but the jews have been supplying the invasion of armenia, which leads my to the real conspiracy theory, the jews and the muslims have never been fighting, they are banding together for american funds to destroy christianity and therefore jews must go

2020-10-22 13:42:55 UTC  


2020-10-22 13:44:12 UTC  

what was it that i said that was funny

2020-10-22 13:45:55 UTC  

nothing nothing mein fuhrer

2020-10-22 13:46:16 UTC  

also nobody is going to mention how before it was even big news the leader of israel denied that they bombed Baghdad, also one of the people killed was the leader of the major christian party which was starting to gain significant support

2020-10-22 13:47:31 UTC  

also hitler can suck my dick ill show him how to properly commit mass genocide

2020-10-22 13:47:52 UTC  

lol hahah

2020-10-22 13:49:04 UTC  

> this isnt a theory but the jews have been supplying the invasion of armenia, which leads my to the real conspiracy theory, the jews and the muslims have never been fighting, they are banding together for american funds to destroy christianity and therefore jews must go
@Deleted User hmmm mayb

2020-10-22 14:05:03 UTC  

That would be a massive big brain move

2020-10-22 14:20:59 UTC  

@Donald Trump yooo Donald Trump irl on this server?!?!? How?!?!

2020-10-22 14:40:19 UTC  

Fluoridated water?

2020-10-22 14:40:27 UTC  

If it lowers my IQ, no thx

2020-10-22 14:40:38 UTC  

I have ADHD, so it's already small enough

2020-10-22 14:41:35 UTC  

And I don't want cancer, so I'd rather not

2020-10-22 15:48:52 UTC  

@Colonel Yes.. Info's out there. I'm just cautious about claiming facts in this hyper-manipulated information war zone.

2020-10-22 15:50:23 UTC  

IQ is a terrible standard for intelligence in the first place. Meaning That study is not accurate.

2020-10-22 15:51:53 UTC  

Yeah, too many factors come in play.

2020-10-22 15:51:57 UTC  

Too. Many.

2020-10-22 15:53:12 UTC  

Agreed. Know plenty (especially old timers) that would be hard pressed in an IQ test, but know engines and other mechanical things better than anyone.

2020-10-22 15:55:11 UTC  

@user_zero oh im not saying you're right or wrong, tbh im not sure what i think about it. I just linked it because i work nights alone and have all the time to listen to conspiracy theories xd