Message from @Error 404

Discord ID: 770413501797367819

2020-10-26 22:17:10 UTC  

Omg that is awesome 👏😂

2020-10-26 22:17:37 UTC  

Their minds would be absolutely broken

2020-10-26 22:19:39 UTC  

I can imagine what they'll say. Race traitor, homophobe (I'm gay so wtf would they be going at with such a dumb accusation), transphobe (I am transitioning and I know who I am, who the fuck are they to tell me who I should be).. well.. that's the reason us who are between high school-- post secondary should take a more.. analytical approach to making conversations happen.

2020-10-26 22:19:45 UTC  

@LunaLeMoon my understanding of the logic of wordahrrea as you put iis do exeagerate and simplify problems to get a point across, it is not mind broken, but merly a bad rehotric divice, it puts people on the defensive and hurts the argument for equality more than it helps iyt

2020-10-26 22:21:24 UTC  

@chaz well.. I put my point across to someone who is still in school. I wouldn't want to give them 2 years of university level political science when I can instead, give them a good idea that they can have their own mind with a made up word.

2020-10-26 22:21:32 UTC  

Tell me about it: I’m Mexican Guatemalan, 2nd gen, family started out dirt poor, but I’m not a feminist, I support our president, I’m Christian, I’m very conservative, and I love my country (USA). Nothing will ever change my mind about that

2020-10-26 22:22:29 UTC  

Listen.. I will tell you, your opinions may change over time. and that's ok. But my best advice is for you to refer to your values, all the while respecting your constitution.

2020-10-26 22:23:01 UTC  

I’ll definitely keep that in mind

2020-10-26 22:23:07 UTC  

Make your opinion, back it with substantial evidence, and move on. If anything convinces you otherwise, you're always free to change your mind.

2020-10-26 22:23:24 UTC  

@Error 404 lets put in some vocab, feminist: someone who attempts to create an equal enviroment for all, mandist: takes the ideals of feminism and pushes them to an extreem and calls anyone who disagrees with them sexist

2020-10-26 22:23:39 UTC  

important difference, feminism good, mandism bad

2020-10-26 22:23:48 UTC  

In that case, I would agree with @chaz. well put.

2020-10-26 22:23:56 UTC  

Fair enough. These modern day land whales have tarnished what was once a great achievement for women

2020-10-26 22:24:24 UTC  

and have slanderd the name of a still ongoing and constitional movement

2020-10-26 22:24:52 UTC  

heh.. I'm not going to go out of my way to offend them, but yes.. feminism has been overtaken by said *mandism* to a point where feminism has lost its original definition.

2020-10-26 22:25:04 UTC  

^my point exactly

2020-10-26 22:26:21 UTC  

But to be honest, I feel women should be left out of some job areas. And I’m saying this as one! 😅 for instance; firefighters. Men are (for the most part) stronger and can carry each other out of burning buildings. But what if a woman is with her male counterpart and he passes out? What is she going to do?

2020-10-26 22:26:58 UTC  

I would let them have those jobs. To honor equal opportunity of education, job, future, etc.

2020-10-26 22:27:08 UTC  

That was the point of feminism.

2020-10-26 22:27:14 UTC  

But I also find it completely unfair that men are more likely to die from fatal accidents at work than women :/

2020-10-26 22:28:12 UTC  

And yes I understand that; equal opportunity for everyone. I think if you’re able to perform equally as a man, then go right ahead. But if not, don’t because you’re not going to be able to help much

2020-10-26 22:28:23 UTC  

It's the product of decision making. Men are prone to make more risky decisions, take demanding, material focused jobs. Women in the other hand, generally go for people focused jobs, take fewer risks, aim more for comfort, although yes, hope for the same as men in terms of prosperity, etc.

2020-10-26 22:28:42 UTC  


2020-10-26 22:28:50 UTC

2020-10-26 22:31:13 UTC  

I guess I’m more touchy about this because I have two brothers and was raised with a very masculine (but loving) father, so I suppose I see both sides of the equation

2020-10-26 22:32:28 UTC  

@StonerWithABoner so thats just wierd

2020-10-26 22:33:05 UTC  

Never saw married with children?

2020-10-26 22:33:13 UTC  

Same. Except I turned out to express more feminine qualities. I was mostly raised by my mother, most of my mannerisms are a result of being with her so much. Doesn’t stop me from being part of the family. It’s a personal venture and it took time to get to where I am.

2020-10-26 22:34:03 UTC  

Basiclly the main character al bundy starts a anti feminist organization called no maam

2020-10-26 22:34:29 UTC  

I agree, finding who you are is definitely an adventure, but in the end I hope it’ll be well worth it

2020-10-26 22:35:01 UTC  

Of course it would be. Otherwise, you would be unhappy in your future.

2020-10-26 22:35:41 UTC  

And hell, even if you haven't figured yourself out by the time you're in your 20s, that is still fine.

2020-10-26 22:36:03 UTC  

Thanks, I’m barely fourteen and I’m already searching 😂

2020-10-26 22:36:13 UTC  

this is honest;y so wholesome

2020-10-26 22:36:27 UTC  

I know right

2020-10-26 22:36:28 UTC  

It's a personal adventure. Don't settle in comfort just because it's just fine as is atm.

2020-10-26 22:37:02 UTC  

Find out what you want to do.. It'll pop up in your head, maybe you'll come across it and be inspired, stuff like that can have a pivotal effect on your route in life.

2020-10-26 22:37:09 UTC  

Well comfort is the enemy of progress, so I don’t think I’ll be doing much of that

2020-10-26 22:37:32 UTC  

Find comfort in progress. But don't let it make you settle.

2020-10-26 22:37:42 UTC  

Will do

2020-10-26 22:38:09 UTC  

Keep going until you find yourself in a place you've always wanted to be, or in a job you dreamed of having, or a family, or.. whatever it is that comes to mind in your future.