Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 771476194444181585

2020-10-29 20:44:03 UTC  

> It’s becoming more and more impossible to do anything online without “logging in with Facebook”
@Xioz wut, what sites are you going through my dude, i havent came across any such site in my 8 years of web surfing

2020-10-29 20:44:55 UTC  

The mark of the beast is explained perfectly in the Bible it's definitely going to be a mark on the hand or the forehead

2020-10-29 20:45:01 UTC  

Well in my 20+ years, I’m finding that any e-commerce site at the very least lists it as an option.

2020-10-29 20:45:12 UTC  

And without this you won't be able to get a job you won't be able to buy you won't be able to sell you won't be able to do anything without this

2020-10-29 20:45:19 UTC  

"as an option" yes

2020-10-29 20:45:26 UTC  

but as a must, no

2020-10-29 20:45:42 UTC  

Just a matter of time.

2020-10-29 20:46:00 UTC  

Mark Zuckerberg might have something to do with it and I wouldn't doubt it that he could be behind technology that's going to initiate the mark of the beast

2020-10-29 20:46:13 UTC  

if anything it would be google (your gmail) that will be a must log in option for most sites not facebook

2020-10-29 20:46:16 UTC  

So basically, we will be known as #000-PP-4214 instead of our names, how sad...

2020-10-29 20:46:17 UTC  

With the help of Bill Gates

2020-10-29 20:46:53 UTC  

Depends on who wins the tech war, google or facebook. Either way, result is the same.

2020-10-29 20:47:21 UTC  

Well hopefully Trump beats them to

2020-10-29 20:47:44 UTC  

If Trump wins again.. we’ll possibly have four more years.

2020-10-29 20:47:46 UTC  

posthumanism is probably going to happen, i know for sure that big tech is pushing for it

2020-10-29 20:48:14 UTC  

Life is going to be so amazing for the people who take the new technology they're going to think it's a miracle

2020-10-29 20:49:04 UTC  

New tech looks more and more Orewellian than Roddenberry every day.

2020-10-29 20:49:09 UTC  

But remember Bill Gates said out of his own mouth and has to go to 7 billion people surely he knows not everyone will take it.

2020-10-29 20:50:05 UTC  

And let's not forget about the FEMA camps

2020-10-29 20:50:15 UTC  

Those are most definitely coffins

2020-10-29 20:50:58 UTC  

I don't want the new technology to rule over me... but I guess it already does...

2020-10-29 20:52:08 UTC  

i mean

2020-10-29 20:53:07 UTC  

bill gates surely doesnt want to make human race extinct, he just wants mass depopulation, so if atleast 500million people take the vaccine it would be great

2020-10-29 20:53:23 UTC  

Yeah well that's their new world order agenda

2020-10-29 20:54:01 UTC  

I would think that more like six billion people would probably take the vaccine

2020-10-29 20:54:06 UTC  

maybe he'll strike a deal with the indian gov to depopulate whole lower cast

2020-10-29 20:54:23 UTC  

Posthumanism is inevitable... as much as I'm panicked about it...

2020-10-29 20:54:43 UTC  

its not gonna happen in your life time

2020-10-29 20:54:48 UTC  


2020-10-29 20:54:58 UTC  

Transhumanism surely will.

2020-10-29 20:55:06 UTC  

I don't know the way 2020 has been going we might see a lot more yet to come

2020-10-29 20:55:51 UTC  

> Transhumanism surely will.
@LuckyPuffy in your life time? hmmm

2020-10-29 20:56:10 UTC  

the closest we've got is with elon musk's neurolink

2020-10-29 20:56:11 UTC  

2020 has brought. Australian wild fires, over 1 billion animals dead plant life and destruction. Locusts swarming Africa destroying all plant life in its path. Destruction of history in America, Riots, Looters, fake racism that people believe cause they have no brain. Greta turdburg and her how dare you campaign on climate change. Defunding of all police, lawlessness, needless bloodshed, covid 19, Epstein and pedowood yet folks still believe celebrities, fake news, A.I AND G.A.N.S FAKE PEOPLE CREATED BY A.I. Face masks to initiate the mark of the beast.
What did I forget

2020-10-29 20:57:13 UTC  

2020 must not be forgotten.

2020-10-29 20:57:20 UTC  

It won't

2020-10-29 20:57:45 UTC  

The year everything became a new normal

2020-10-29 21:02:58 UTC  


2020-10-29 21:42:54 UTC  


2020-10-29 21:42:57 UTC  

Uh oh