Message from @corny🌽🌽

Discord ID: 771762146383495168

2020-10-30 15:07:51 UTC  

I wish I was making this up

2020-10-30 15:07:57 UTC  

Children aye?

2020-10-30 15:08:00 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:08:02 UTC  

Totally not a creep

2020-10-30 15:08:06 UTC  

Totally not

2020-10-30 15:08:38 UTC  

Are we sure it wasn't Epstein on witness protection?🤔

2020-10-30 15:08:43 UTC  

Like he was going off about how the white man always steals things and that it's time for the natives to make reparations by slaughtering our men, women, and children. His words, not mine.

2020-10-30 15:08:59 UTC  

He got banned very shortly thereafter

2020-10-30 15:09:04 UTC  

Freak lol

2020-10-30 15:09:06 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:09:23 UTC  

I mean, I can understand the resentment but wanting to kill kids a la Anakin Skywalker is a bit much

2020-10-30 15:09:33 UTC  

Tell me someone replied with "Unless you want a *wounded knee* you best shut up."

2020-10-30 15:09:37 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:09:43 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:09:47 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:12:03 UTC  

Honestly that entire period of history was a shame. But the attempts by the Left to keep milking pity and guilt out of it is a greater dishonor.

2020-10-30 15:29:29 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:41:04 UTC  

i hear the natives take the money government gives them and spends it on alcohol

2020-10-30 15:45:16 UTC  

and I hear their buildings are crumbling, they have a much lower chance in any court, and their life expetancy in 45, so we need to invest, like we invest in any Americans who have it hard.

2020-10-30 15:47:11 UTC  

the X-Files told me they know about aliens

2020-10-30 15:47:14 UTC  


2020-10-30 15:49:00 UTC  

they already get government money and they spend it on alcohol

2020-10-30 15:49:15 UTC  

they're already being invested in and they spend it on alcohol

2020-10-30 15:49:45 UTC  

what they should do is stand up and start working and making their lives better. government handouts isn't working for them

2020-10-30 16:02:25 UTC  


2020-10-30 16:05:51 UTC  


2020-10-30 16:06:15 UTC  


2020-10-30 16:09:55 UTC  


2020-10-30 16:16:33 UTC  


2020-10-30 16:18:34 UTC  

giving today's native americans tax money for "stealing their land" is the same as giving black people today reparations for "enslaving their ancestors" imo

2020-10-30 16:20:29 UTC  

Conspiracy theory:L b j made all these things like welfare,Affirmative Action so to build a system to were black Americans can fester in there own poverty and so they could keep voting democrat to stay in this same system unequal wealth and not letting them take personal responsibility.And he did because he knew republicans would pass the the something like the civil rights act but he did as a Dem to F*** over black Americans

2020-10-30 16:20:50 UTC  

Tomorrow was yesterday 5 days ago

2020-10-30 16:30:03 UTC  

Biden doesn’t have dementia but is constantly drugged like mkultra shit

2020-10-30 17:33:21 UTC  

Yes his eyes

2020-10-30 17:34:21 UTC  

Wait... that's actually way more reasonable!

2020-10-30 17:34:30 UTC  

Biden for anti-drug care!!

2020-10-30 17:35:56 UTC  

Holy crap, he may be actually drugged as fuck!

2020-10-30 17:36:38 UTC  

America does not need a crackhead and a lunatic for president! Biden should be in the cages that Obama built, being reeducated to no longer take drugs. Or at the nursing home.

2020-10-30 17:41:54 UTC  

It's more like a side effect that they took advantage of.

2020-10-30 17:42:26 UTC  


2020-10-30 18:03:39 UTC  

Nancy pelosi ain’t human