Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 771836942680719422

2020-10-30 19:16:38 UTC  

Best piece of advice the old man ever gave me. Watch where the herd is going, and quietly go in the opposite direction.

2020-10-30 19:25:36 UTC  

Haha, yep!

2020-10-30 20:32:25 UTC  

> My theory is the communist have had one final goal and knew it would take time to achieve and have planned multiple stuff throughout the world. So communism was invented in the 19th century and I believe Karl Marx and many other supporters of Marxism and communism were part of a group, they knew that they would first need to spread its roots across the world secretly at first, so there start being liberal ideas spread into countries, liberal ideas that seem calm at first but are so progressive,they knew it w then they start to spread more. China becomes communist setting a main communist power in Asia in which western civilization has to try to stop them in spreading communism into Asia but they ultimately fail. So go forward a few years and then the Cold War happens and all why that is happening the communist are trying to rebrand them selves knowing that they will have to go into hiding soon for there plan to work, they rebrand them selves as socialism and it takes popularity in Scandinavia but still separating its self from communism. So the Cold War was all a big scheme for the communist to rebrand. Then the thing standing in the communist way is America so they have to plan and they introduce more liberal ideas. More years in the future the Soviet Union โ€œfallsโ€ but they actually went into hiding knowing they would have to do that for there plan, more years and the left in has become so radical and so horrible and America is divided politically and then out of nowhere a virus comes that wouldnโ€™t hurt our society if the left didnโ€™t say you need to do all this stuff to stay safe so the economy shuts down and they need to get rid of right voices so they blame it on them.
@SolaRviper4 your theory makes no sense because todays liberals arent communist because 1 they reject gun rights which marx supported 2. They support abortion which marx didn't support 3. They supported lgbt which marx didnt support 4 they dont work which marx hated

2020-10-30 20:35:20 UTC  

That's why I'd rather call it neo-Marxism.

2020-10-30 20:35:34 UTC  

Because it's a new view of Marx' ideals, rather than simply his ideals.

2020-10-30 20:36:30 UTC  

I wouldn't call them marxists at all

2020-10-30 20:36:39 UTC  

They're just... progressives.

2020-10-30 20:36:53 UTC  

Right which isnt marxism

2020-10-30 20:37:30 UTC  

Yeah... they just... are... I dunno...

2020-10-30 20:37:38 UTC  

Maybe fascist under disguise?

2020-10-30 20:37:45 UTC  


2020-10-30 20:38:01 UTC  

They don't even realize what they're actually saying ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-10-30 20:38:11 UTC  

They seem dumb, all of them ๐Ÿ˜‚

2020-10-30 20:38:24 UTC  

They believe in white privledge so they are facists

2020-10-30 20:39:00 UTC  

@SolaRviper4 Fabian Society.

2020-10-30 20:39:59 UTC  

Antifa is just Fa.

2020-10-30 20:40:27 UTC  

Most liberals never read marx

2020-10-30 20:41:33 UTC  

Conspiracy theory: Antifa and the Neo-Nazis actually secretly collaborate to make a very elaborate "fight" between the groups when they're really allied on one particular stance: race is more important than character. They only "fight" for ratings and further polarization of the people.

2020-10-30 20:41:54 UTC  

Thats more realistic

2020-10-30 20:43:10 UTC  

Big Tech knows the famous effect in which the censorship of the material actually causes it to spread even more. At least that's what I hope.

2020-10-30 20:44:27 UTC  

At least on the web.

2020-10-30 23:33:33 UTC  

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

2020-10-30 23:34:12 UTC

2020-10-30 23:34:31 UTC  

What a sad picture.

2020-10-30 23:34:55 UTC  

The TV has made a small army of ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

2020-10-30 23:35:02 UTC  

The flag and the sign are the same.

2020-10-30 23:35:27 UTC  

The rest of the country doesnโ€™t know it yet

2020-10-30 23:35:38 UTC  

Silent Majority...yes they do.

2020-10-30 23:36:10 UTC  

Do not ever let the media confuse you or make you feel alone in your beliefs.

2020-10-30 23:37:01 UTC  

If they can make you feel alone you are just one, and will be more likely not to vote, not to speak up, not to share your ideals. If you know you are a part of the silent majority it gives you strength, motivates you to speak to others and vote in what you believe!

2020-10-31 01:01:54 UTC  

Just like how the American flag and trump signs are the same.

2020-10-31 01:03:42 UTC  


2020-10-31 03:19:01 UTC  

Sad how people say patriotism is fascism and nationalism now :/

2020-10-31 03:29:12 UTC  

Sad how nationalism is considered bad.

2020-10-31 04:08:46 UTC

2020-10-31 04:54:07 UTC  

Agree with that one @IT but JFK was also trying to get Israhell to come clean about their nuclear program that they stole from us.

2020-10-31 05:03:07 UTC  


2020-10-31 05:12:51 UTC  

@FLYNNL1VE5 not sure if you have ever seen this but its a good watch.

2020-10-31 05:13:35 UTC  


2020-10-31 05:17:19 UTC  

k @IT degree in economics over here. Hero is Ludwig Von Mises

2020-10-31 05:17:29 UTC  

AF vet like Zed there.