Message from @RSM G4M1NG

Discord ID: 781240193868103681

2020-11-25 19:13:26 UTC  

Flat Earth is not a conspiracy though. It's just an old theory that was debunked by measurement and _actual space travel._

2020-11-25 19:14:17 UTC  

And basic observations, like the concept of "the horizon", how there are things you cannot see because they are hidden by the curvature of the planet.

2020-11-25 19:14:36 UTC  

@Sporkinator the conspiracy is, that we're all being lied to about the earth's shape

2020-11-25 19:15:40 UTC  

Flat Earthers actually do not exist. <:thinking:726878987837636698>
They are just trolls and peddling Flat Earth nonsense for laughs.

2020-11-25 19:15:59 UTC  


2020-11-25 19:16:23 UTC  

"The Flat Earth society has members **all around the globe.**"

2020-11-25 19:16:27 UTC  


2020-11-25 19:17:17 UTC  

I wager it was created by the Intel agencies to muddy the waters, and lump in with legit inquiry, as outlined in that graphic

2020-11-25 19:17:52 UTC  

Lol.. yep..

2020-11-25 19:20:10 UTC  

Sometimes I meet one of these Flat Earth trolls in real life, and I ask them if they can take me to the edge of the Flat Earth, so I can jump off into SPAAACE or whatever. They just give up and walk away.

2020-11-25 19:20:42 UTC  

What better way to steer someone off 911 questions, than to have some strange dude tell you ''think 911 is crazy??.. looks left..looks right. .leans in; whispers. . RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH''!!

CNN watcher for life, after that

2020-11-25 19:22:27 UTC  

Seriously. . Is there a diving board on the edge? ? Which way will I go if I dive???

2020-11-25 19:25:40 UTC  

This convo reminds me of this gif lol

2020-11-25 19:27:02 UTC  

I know a guy who is, but he never really wants to do experiments. . Said, hey I have a co-worker in Australia right now.. let's say he measures the shadow on a stake in the ground, at the same time we do. We'll do it a various points throughout the day, for a week or so, and see what we get... crickets

2020-11-25 19:27:44 UTC  

The Earth is just a giant potato covered in dirt but it's Been around for millions of years so it's stale and we can't eat it now

2020-11-25 19:28:21 UTC  

@Yours Truly, LichaSan ♡ So now they lied about the dinosaurs? ? 🤣

2020-11-25 19:28:53 UTC  

Who lied ?

2020-11-25 19:29:12 UTC  

Dinosaurs don't exist they're just over sized chickens without feathers

2020-11-25 19:29:21 UTC  

Kidding. . Flatties would say NASA

2020-11-25 19:29:33 UTC  


2020-11-25 19:29:36 UTC  

The only thing flat on this planet is their brains

2020-11-25 19:29:50 UTC  

But that's assuming they actually have one

2020-11-25 19:29:56 UTC  

Dinosaurs are over sized chickens tho

2020-11-25 19:30:53 UTC  

And knowing flatties stem their research with random YouTube videos.. yeah I don't think that's any proof that they have minds to think

2020-11-25 19:31:22 UTC  

What I wanna know is why Is it just our planet that's flat does that mean the Sun's flat as well

2020-11-25 19:31:38 UTC  

Apparently only earth is flat for them

2020-11-25 19:31:54 UTC  

Even Mars is spherical but not earth... Somehow

2020-11-25 19:31:55 UTC  

No problem with youtube research. . Just needs sources

2020-11-25 19:32:12 UTC  

Yep, nicely said @user_zero

2020-11-25 19:32:15 UTC  

And according to their map once you reach Antarctica you can't go any further or you go into space

2020-11-25 19:32:32 UTC  

When in reality you'll just end up going back North once you reach the South Pole

2020-11-25 19:33:14 UTC  

Idk how they can think any of their theories are logical..

2020-11-25 19:33:43 UTC  

And how come there aren't jobs for people at the edge of the world you'd assume that would be a very well known position like edge watchers or edge minors or bottom drillers

2020-11-25 19:33:45 UTC  

And what scares me is that they're probably mother's and father's and they're teaching this to their children

2020-11-25 19:33:49 UTC  

Some are clueless, who've been duped..

2020-11-25 19:34:57 UTC  

Once someone draws correlation to the Bible and flat earth, emotions take over

2020-11-25 19:34:59 UTC  

I wonder what "flat Earth" trolls think of compasses and the Earth's magnetic field. 🤔

2020-11-25 19:35:04 UTC  

Just because it's written somewhere doesn't mean it's true I mean I could write down on a piece of paper that States it's normal to go out in public naked as long as you're wearing long socks and people would probably believe it

2020-11-25 19:37:04 UTC  

@RSM G4M1NG Sure, but sources give you a path of inquiry. Something for those to run down, if interested. If you're credible, you'll leave them all over the place.

2020-11-25 19:37:37 UTC  

Yeah anything could become a religion because there's always someone that would believe it to be true, may it be insane or not

2020-11-25 19:39:27 UTC  

Religion invokes emotion. Logical thought goes out the window. That's why all these mega churches continue to rake in $$$$