Message from @Dain Bramage

Discord ID: 782459232981221416

genius guiness same thing

2020-11-29 02:48:05 UTC  


you can do the same thing with metal fence posts

the really scary thing is Polarized glass can be used as a video/audio recording mic

2020-11-29 02:49:21 UTC  

Yea, thatโ€™s my point. Using the earth as the transmitter

2020-11-29 02:49:51 UTC  

Never heard that. Interesting

it uses the same priciples as a laser mic, but can pick up video too somehow. like a QR code in concept. it would be digital as opposed to analog like the hydrant or fence post

if you look at polarized glass with polarized sunglasses you can see a checkerboard pattern

the video transmission has to do with light somehow, and the audio is the vibrations in the glass picked up by a laser reciever

2020-11-29 02:55:45 UTC  

Oh i totally get it. And yea, scary implications, since weโ€™re still far from having the โ€œmoralityโ€ to know how to use our tech โ€œhumanelyโ€.

Hereโ€™s an oldie... about cymatics, resonant harmonics, etc

neat stuff but also scary agreed

2020-11-29 02:56:51 UTC  

Along your thought, I wonder if/when holograms are going to be used in conjunction with some sort of false flag stuff

2020-11-29 02:57:15 UTC  

Or if they already have, if you believe certain 9/11 theories

2020-11-29 03:10:47 UTC  

Some intro stuff, lol.

2020-11-29 04:17:19 UTC  

Lotta talk about DUMBโ€™s these days

2020-11-29 08:26:15 UTC  

Orgone Accumulator

2020-11-29 08:26:27 UTC  

Ive heard of it

2020-11-29 08:27:04 UTC  

It harnesses what Wilhelm calls โ€œOrgoneโ€ which goes by other names like chi, or prana

2020-11-29 08:27:14 UTC  

Itโ€™s essentially just a mystical energy

2020-11-29 08:28:02 UTC  

He utilized this by creating a box that had these certain components that would harness this energy (like orgone blankets) for healing

2020-11-29 08:28:45 UTC  

He was supposedly able to cure terminal illnesses like cancer. Then, the FDA banned his invention. He died 1 year later iirc

2020-11-29 11:15:50 UTC  

This is my conspiracy theory:

2020-11-29 11:19:55 UTC  

Kathleen Kennedy would have been fired a long time ago if they were able to fire her. Disney might be a evil corporation but theyโ€™re not stupid. What probably happened is that Kennedy had an affair with Spielberg a long time ago back when she was his assistant. If Disney fires her, theyโ€™re afraid she would try to metoo him, and use her allies in the Hollywood media and blogging complex to drag the whole industry through the mud. The Hollywood brass are afraid that it would make them look bad by association, because Spielberg is one of the most celebrated filmmakers of all time. If the affair thing is not true, then something else must be. She HAS to have major dirt on someone. There is no reason why they wouldโ€™ve let such a terrible executive stick around for so long

2020-11-29 12:11:47 UTC  

I dunno about all that. But I DO think, thereโ€™s something to the idea that mr high cliff has an unhealthy infatuation with children and childhood in general. He and Henry winkler are implicated in the death of Heather Oโ€™Rourke, the little girl from poltergeist.

2020-11-29 12:12:30 UTC  


2020-11-29 17:49:31 UTC

2020-11-29 18:42:00 UTC  

Why take a vaccine when

2020-11-29 21:30:20 UTC  

.warn @The Real JL Films do not advocate or encourage raids of other servers. It could get our server shut down.

2020-11-29 21:30:21 UTC  

2020-11-29 21:30:30 UTC  
