Message from @Tsukoyomi

Discord ID: 784670135046766603

2020-12-05 03:37:48 UTC  

Haven't heard anyone theorize who the third guy is

2020-12-05 03:57:20 UTC  


2020-12-05 04:21:24 UTC  

originally made in 'nother discord. dont mind references to channels.

As our own two channels of #braincell-factory and #braincell-morgue have evidence of a great number of boogaloo and collapse memes. Most of us appear to be on the same page when it comes to these issues. We should all be ready to go for the shit that is coming. While there is nothing wrong with being prepared, it appears that many people either consciously or subconsciously legitimately want a collapse to happen. The number of people like this has increased greatly since the beginning of 2020. This is easily shown in the youtube comment sections of the song "Keep your rifle by your side" from the video game Far Cry 5. The setting of the video game is in a post collapse society where a violent cult has taken over a county. While I do not believe the people that have been identifying with the song also identify with the violent aspects of the cult, they identify with the idea we have to protect ourselves in an increasingly chaotic world.

Why do I bring this up? The desire for a collapse is a strange desire. We have been in a fairly stable society for the past 70 or so years. We have reached heights of wealth no previous generation has seen. Even in an economic downturn and pandemic we are better off now than 100 years ago. Specifically this year we have seen massive increases of depression. And many people feel as if they are no longer in control of their life. Humans crave control. So we naturally go to avenues where we think we can establish control over our lives. This is where the ideology of a pro-collapse comes from. Those with this mentality see a collapse as a return to a more simple time. A time where the individual has more control over his self and his community. Individuals like this know they can survive and thrive in post-collapse society.
Therefore, these people are ironically looking for control and stability in a situation where most normal people see nothing but death and doom.

2020-12-05 05:32:36 UTC  

UN doctors spoke against vaccines too

2020-12-05 05:41:41 UTC  

Dr. Roger Hodkinson called the Covid pandemic a hoax

2020-12-05 05:41:53 UTC  

“Masks are utterly useless”

2020-12-05 05:45:45 UTC  

A cloth mask stops viruses... Sounds like tinfoil hats stop the cia from reading my brain to me...

2020-12-05 06:05:49 UTC  

This is your daily reminder that Covid-19 does not exist, and also that Epstein didn't kill himself.

2020-12-05 06:11:16 UTC  

Oh wait, Covid-19 does exist, but it's not a virus OR a disease... it's a depopulation plan. Surprise surprise, surprise to no one.

2020-12-05 06:12:06 UTC  

It's not a surprise in the slightest. Bill Gates is part of this operation.

2020-12-05 06:16:14 UTC  

DID YOU REALLY THINK Bill Gates was an upstanding guy who wanted to help us?


2020-12-05 06:16:28 UTC  

C'mon, man!

2020-12-05 06:32:10 UTC  

Corona exists, the hoax part is how "dangerous" corona is

2020-12-05 06:34:21 UTC  

See the message above from the Italian doctor. There is no new virus, the tests are useless. Covid-19 is the name of the vaccination plan to depopulate the world.

2020-12-05 06:34:33 UTC  


2020-12-05 06:35:57 UTC  

Yeah he called it

2020-12-05 06:37:10 UTC  

Which is something we already knew. This was announced many months ago on other sites, but they were called "false conspiracy theories", LOL.

2020-12-05 06:38:42 UTC  

I didn't personally, I'm playing catch up

2020-12-05 06:38:58 UTC  

The whole German server raid through me for a loop

2020-12-05 06:39:15 UTC  

I never knew about that JFK quote that came out recently about the cia

2020-12-05 06:44:07 UTC  


2020-12-05 07:00:19 UTC  

Also I want JFK on Rushmore now

2020-12-05 07:00:47 UTC  

I want Mt. Trumpmore.

2020-12-05 07:01:20 UTC  

Tell me about Gina Hasple

2020-12-05 07:08:43 UTC  

Thats part of the server raid story

I personally believe you have to pass away before getting on Rushmore

2020-12-05 12:40:46 UTC  


2020-12-05 13:13:11 UTC  

gay frogs is not a conspiracy its a fact

2020-12-05 14:51:09 UTC  

could be why there are so many people now that are confused with their gender. pesticides causing mental issues?

2020-12-05 14:51:26 UTC  

other than culture, i mean

2020-12-05 14:54:38 UTC  

yea also id like to point out gender theory was never scientifically confirmed

2020-12-05 15:39:07 UTC  

Yeah because the 2 test subjects committed suicide

2020-12-05 16:06:05 UTC  

the scientist that discovered it ...and published it ...sometime afterwards got smeared then defunded and his research team staff got bought monsanto, then he the scientist just so happened to die in a car crash

2020-12-05 16:06:58 UTC  

this research was conducted in a swamp area downstream from calif farms

2020-12-05 16:07:35 UTC  

makes u wonder why so many calif vegans are so flamboyant

2020-12-05 16:32:30 UTC  

yoooooo what

2020-12-05 16:56:44 UTC  

CDC at the begining of covid had results for the 2018 flu season up on their website- I swear this happened.. I clicked on itto see what the death rate was for that year cuz I was curious about covid Vs flu at that time.. it said over 8100K deaths from influenza died that year...This was probably in March...a few months later (maybe july) I checked again and it had lowered to 60K... But now I dont even see it on the summary!! They are HIDING THE REAL FACTS AND DATA.. did anyone else notice this?