Message from @Samm_M

Discord ID: 790386586663518229

2020-12-20 23:46:17 UTC  

The cyber attack is the deep state war machine trying to start a new war

2020-12-20 23:46:58 UTC  

California is shifting red and could turn into a swing state in the coming decades, but no way this early

2020-12-20 23:47:25 UTC  

cali has been red

2020-12-20 23:47:27 UTC  


2020-12-20 23:48:02 UTC  

I know what you're talking about but there is no way Cali and NY is red

2020-12-20 23:48:30 UTC  

Dominion could not possibly shift California red

2020-12-20 23:48:47 UTC  

That's like saying a foreign nation could invade the US based on the protests

2020-12-20 23:49:07 UTC  

brah lol

2020-12-20 23:49:37 UTC  

thats what theyve been saying the whole civil war is for
an excuse for a foreign entitiy to come into the U.S. to "quell the chaos"

2020-12-20 23:49:57 UTC  

the fanning of the race war since the obama admin

2020-12-21 00:11:38 UTC

2020-12-21 00:40:10 UTC  

How can any of you trust what the people on 4Chan say

2020-12-21 00:40:30 UTC  

I still do not believe one bit that trump won California or Illinois

2020-12-21 00:40:45 UTC  

The entirety of Q has been" just wait, its going to be big!"

2020-12-21 00:41:48 UTC  

its that mentality that allows cali to be stolen year after year
how long has q been around compared to the machine as a whole?

2020-12-21 00:50:44 UTC  

I do believe Trump won California, their population of Democrats is getting smaller. LA. & maybe San Francisco, but most of the rest of the state which actually votes I believe are tired of the liberal policies.

2020-12-21 00:51:26 UTC  

Yeah if there was this much fraud this year how much was there in the 2008 election or 2012

2020-12-21 00:51:45 UTC  

I have a bad feeling that Q is just some neck beard in his basement laughing his ass off right now

2020-12-21 00:52:15 UTC  

As for Illinois- it will always be blue because the population of Chicago is greater than all the rest of the state combined so unless they institute an electoral college type thing for counties , it will never change

2020-12-21 01:14:06 UTC  

Dk if this is a conspiracy theory, but I truly believe that nowadays, if you are aged 14-18 (high school student age), you are more likely to be conservative later in life rather than liberal. I believe this because Democrats/liberals are trying to force ideas down our throats, effectively telling us what to do. High schoolers do not like to be told what to do, and choose to rebel against “normal” ideas, which is why I believe they will turn out to be more politically conservative. Prove me wrong.

2020-12-21 01:15:56 UTC  

yep i think conservative have a nice future

2020-12-21 01:16:06 UTC  


2020-12-21 01:16:40 UTC  

Trump is very appealing to us kids idk why

2020-12-21 01:16:49 UTC  

Prob cuz he’s a smartass haha

2020-12-21 01:17:27 UTC  

GOP need trump or GOP die
its as simple as that
Right wing populism is what is keeping GOP alive

2020-12-21 01:17:40 UTC  

So yeah young ppl i think are appealed by this right wing populism

2020-12-21 01:17:47 UTC  


2020-12-21 01:18:07 UTC  

Btw, are the tariffs the only thing that make him a populist?

2020-12-21 01:19:23 UTC  

nah the thing he hate holywood oligarch

2020-12-21 01:19:34 UTC  

and the elite rich PPL who are all left bitches

2020-12-21 01:20:53 UTC  

What would hating a bunch of assholes have to with being a populist

2020-12-21 01:21:15 UTC  

its PPl > elite

2020-12-21 01:21:52 UTC  

Ahh I see

2020-12-21 01:22:15 UTC  

Is Bernie considered a left wing populist? I heard ppl say that

2020-12-21 01:22:29 UTC  

i.e my gov teacher

2020-12-21 01:22:55 UTC  

i kinda think
Be he endorsed biden so he is a meme lmao

2020-12-21 01:24:06 UTC  

Haha yeh. Hypothetically, would he oppose the Hollywood elite (hypothetically because they’re practically all communists, besides my guy Isaiah Washington)

2020-12-21 01:42:04 UTC  

cali would be red if trump won the popular vote

2020-12-21 01:45:22 UTC  

i don't think so. my sample size is my school, which clocks in around 1,300 kids. Obviously i don't know every single people, but my 95% of my grad class strongly "disconnect" from me when i came out against blm (somehow the story spreads like wildfire) and they shouted me down when i start saying men also had their struggles. i've traveled outside for conference and shared similar experience. albeit, i'm in debate/academia-esque setting so it's skewed. and i'm also a canadian in toronto

2020-12-21 01:49:30 UTC  

@phil55#8725 Q is not 1 person, Q is a project, a belief, to question authority, you are Q, that's why you are here, reading this, it's that gut feeling that something isn't right, as Q, we need to convince people that this is good vs evil, not just red vs blue. You are here for a reason, to articulate to the ones around you..... “It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain.

Good Luck, God speed. Freedom needs you