Message from @Toilet Hugger
Discord ID: 797067993817022495
youtube is blocked at my school rn
skip to 2:11
the trump video makes one assume he's at the wh...when the rest of us knows he's in texas at a mil base
ya...neck glitch
i shortened it
yeah it looks abit strange
yea it looks sooooo unnatural
really pops out
hes totally infront of a green screen his suit really stands out from the wall in the back
most of trump's vids are of him at multiple angles..really weird to see him from 1 camera only
yeah cant really have a different angle infront of a green screen
to be safe, im gonna be skeptical, cuz it really could just be optical illusion, and even though there was a military e-4 plane that flew from dc to texas on jan 6th, doesnt mean trump was on it
although at that point, thats a heck of a lot of coincidences starting to pile up lol
@SayIDidIt™ like I can get behind Obamagate but my friend fell so deep down the rabbit hole that she now also believes in flatearth and that dinosaurs are a lie even though she first thought these theories were dumb
More like some type of pamphlet. Does not seem to be a liquid (slowed down to 0.25x)
This isn’t trump looks like deep fake
Mikel obama 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
everybody does...since joan rivers died after mentioning it
It looks like a green screen
If that’s not a green screen, I’m the queen of england
Don't know how many have seen this one yet (it's in one of the memes channels) but I'm just gonna leave it here cuz uh...
It be a touch sus...
If this is a real article
We might have a real case on our hands
Some people said that the article was originally about the rally or protest, but was edited after the new info came in.
Can you share the link to the article?
I got it from one of the meme channels so I don't personally have it I'm afraid😕
The time was modified
The news was posted at 5:08 PM ET
Since I’m on a phone, I can’t do Inspect Element to modify the time.
thats generally how articles work, they get edited as the news changes
I found the exact article