Message from @Zilla

Discord ID: 748357950598414476

2020-08-27 01:32:25 UTC  

and like myself, hopefully he fights his initial charges and wins πŸ™‚

2020-08-27 01:33:11 UTC  

Now talking to my liberal friend about Bubba Wallace. He’s defending him saying is all a misunderstanding and the whole thing was misreported and Bubba had a right to be upset.

2020-08-27 01:33:44 UTC  

Bubba Wallace is an embarrassment to humanity...

2020-08-27 01:33:52 UTC  

I’m trying to be understanding but I need to help him out to see that Bubba was just doing it for attention.

2020-08-27 01:34:11 UTC  

And to play the Race card...

2020-08-27 01:34:40 UTC  

i live in Alabama, i don't even like Nascar, but i've been to Talladega a couple times...i'd be more upset if I was black and from Alabama

2020-08-27 01:34:57 UTC  

there's a reason why the vast majority of black folks STILL live in the south

2020-08-27 01:35:23 UTC  

Bubba Wallace is an embarrassment to all of them as their only 'representation' in nascar...

2020-08-27 01:36:20 UTC  

just like that dude from NJ that was on Tim Pools stream a couple days ago that's running for congress in NJ...he said he's seen more racism in NJ than he did in TX

2020-08-27 01:36:47 UTC  

people like to say the south's racist, but if you think about it, it doesn't make a lot of sense

2020-08-27 01:37:09 UTC  

Explain for my friend please.

2020-08-27 01:37:35 UTC  

with 25-37% black folks in these states, white and black folks have learned to get along for many many years

2020-08-27 01:38:08 UTC  

it's out west and up north that you find racism in my opinion where the disparity in these big cities is much more apparent

2020-08-27 01:40:17 UTC  

if the south was as racist as people think...1. all the white folks that live here would be in hell xD...and 2. you'd have seen some kind of exodus from black folks over the years...there's literally no logic to it

2020-08-27 01:41:46 UTC  

the only exodus of black folks are ones fleein the big cities up north to the rural south

2020-08-27 01:42:54 UTC  

i'll never forget my first trip to Boston, i'm talkin to this young guy at the deli and i said i was from Alabama, and he says, 'ah yea, you got a bunch of n***ers down there'...i was in complete shock...that is not how people talk were i'm from xD

2020-08-27 01:45:08 UTC  

the Souths changed, and its changed for the good, but the North is still stuck in the past with it stuck in their heads that we are the racists and the bigots

2020-08-27 01:45:48 UTC  

i think the north and the west just point to the south and say bad things to keep the attention off of how terrible it is where they live xD

2020-08-27 01:46:22 UTC  

and that is why we are still split and still fly the rebel flag, because the North is making no effort to settle past differences

2020-08-27 01:47:07 UTC  

well i always say i don't mind the south having a bad reputation because it keeps the dam yankees and the west coast nutjobs from moving here πŸ™‚

2020-08-27 01:47:19 UTC  


2020-08-27 01:47:55 UTC  

He thinks the confederate flag is important to history and should be preserved... As a symbol of traitors to the country...

2020-08-27 01:47:56 UTC  

btw i was born in CA, moved to AL when i was 9, have family from all over including CA and new england

2020-08-27 01:48:17 UTC  

Texas born an raised

2020-08-27 01:48:29 UTC  

well the story of the south is complicated, and the rebel flag, like most things, means different things to different people

2020-08-27 01:48:43 UTC  

Stuck in Cali.

2020-08-27 01:48:47 UTC  

but the only people that have ever made an issue of the rebel flag and racism has been white liberals

2020-08-27 01:48:51 UTC  

the story of our heritage is complicated, but so is the history and heritage of all nations

2020-08-27 01:49:34 UTC  

He said that the confederate flag was used in the times of Jim Crow.

2020-08-27 01:49:43 UTC  

well like people think that poor, uneducated southerners were fighting a war barefoot to keep black people enslaved, which is about the dumbest thing ever...

2020-08-27 01:51:05 UTC  

they always forget about the Tarrif of Abominations, which SoCar threatened to seceed over 10 years prior because it practically killed their economy because they didnt want to deal with the Norths bullshit trade policies of buying cheap and selling super expensive and instead wanted to trade with Britian and France because they payed alot more even tho they charged a small bit higher than the north did

2020-08-27 01:51:14 UTC  

It was originally about state rights

2020-08-27 01:51:41 UTC  

the politicians might have pushed for secession because they were pressured by the rich minority of slave owners; but the vast majority of people who were in the southern army were fighting because their states were being invaded and burned to the ground, and the Union committed a ton of atrocities like murder, rape, looting, etc.

2020-08-27 01:52:12 UTC  

the burning of Atlanta, a scar that is still felt today in the entirety of the south

2020-08-27 01:53:50 UTC  

my hope is that in the future that the North and the South can finally settle the scores, but it doesnt look like the case and the hate is only growing deeper by the day, especially with these riots going on now

2020-08-27 01:54:22 UTC  

i hope we dont have what happens after a countries population reaches critical mass of hyper polarization

2020-08-27 01:54:36 UTC  

but if it happens, so be it

2020-08-27 01:54:39 UTC  

i dont think there's any hope for should see the f'ed up stuff in their history no one ever talks about

2020-08-27 01:55:16 UTC  

in the 1870s half of California's gov't income was from taxing the Chinese for being Chinese...just to give ONE example

2020-08-27 01:55:30 UTC  
