Message from @Gigabite

Discord ID: 749009024485163028

2020-08-28 20:48:13 UTC  

anybody that throws something at a protest, gives up their right to be a peaceful protestor

2020-08-28 20:48:34 UTC  

even if it's 'throwing a fit'

2020-08-28 20:48:57 UTC  

hell mlk ran peaceful protests

2020-08-28 20:49:22 UTC  

and the dem controlled police oppressed his ass

2020-08-28 20:49:28 UTC  

Democrats shot him

2020-08-28 20:49:31 UTC  


2020-08-28 20:49:38 UTC  

that too

2020-08-28 20:49:49 UTC  

For "the greater good"

2020-08-28 20:50:02 UTC  

they also killed malcom-x for exposing the white liberal

2020-08-28 20:51:06 UTC  

Its pretty well known that protestors have been filling bottles with quick drying cement as well

2020-08-28 20:51:34 UTC

2020-08-28 20:51:34 UTC  

So after 4 or 5 months of people throwing heavy ass bottles at the the cops were probably sick of taking chances

2020-08-28 20:52:14 UTC  


2020-08-28 20:52:24 UTC  

5 bucks says he won't watch the video

2020-08-28 20:52:40 UTC  

got a better idea, tell dew to check out or try to donate to blm...see where the money goes

2020-08-28 20:52:50 UTC  

I don’t think he watched anything I sent him...

2020-08-28 20:52:59 UTC  

all paths from them lead to biden

2020-08-28 20:53:39 UTC  

Hey link me that Biden policy thing

2020-08-28 20:53:53 UTC  

It'd be interesting to see how it compares to trumps

2020-08-28 20:54:20 UTC  

Here’s the link he sent me.

2020-08-28 20:54:27 UTC  


2020-08-28 20:54:40 UTC  

Yer’ welcome.

2020-08-28 20:55:58 UTC

2020-08-28 20:56:23 UTC  

That's a really stupid argument

2020-08-28 20:56:36 UTC  

But but but....

2020-08-28 20:57:29 UTC  

No buts no nuts no coconuts

2020-08-28 21:00:11 UTC  

@Plague Doctor Lawrence

2020-08-28 21:00:17 UTC  


2020-08-28 21:00:32 UTC  

Lost my chill for a second there

2020-08-28 21:00:44 UTC  

Also the shit he sent was YouTube and Twitter

2020-08-28 21:00:47 UTC  

Nah you're good fam

2020-08-28 21:01:06 UTC  

🤣 ty ty

2020-08-28 21:01:14 UTC  


2020-08-28 21:05:28 UTC  

Funny how even as the Washington post tried to make it seem like the protestors were unjustly attacked
They couldn't help but add in that the protestors were asked to leave
They couldn't edit out that they stayed in the area, on the fence even as they knew they needed to leave yet still you can hear a lady asking why are the police firing smoke at them.

They tried to make it seem so dark and mean but if you look at whats going on
Watch people throwing shit
Listen to the police asking people to dispurse
Listen to the protestors even asking their fellow members to stop being violent

2020-08-28 21:05:46 UTC  

You just can't deny that the media is trying to spin a corrupt narrative

2020-08-28 21:06:31 UTC  

It's why I call them and many other "news stations" the mainstream mediocres

2020-08-28 21:07:33 UTC  

I bet his friend won't watch it because he's shocked he didn't think to get the full story before building an argumeny on a YouTube video of the back of a bunch of protestors heads

2020-08-28 21:08:27 UTC  

Think for yourself dude?
As much heat and grief the police are under right now you think they would slip up that easily? They already in hot water
You think theyll just say fuck it
Let's just shoot up these people in front of the Whitehouse

2020-08-28 21:08:34 UTC  

Once fights and general violence break out it's no longer a protest. It's a riot.

2020-08-28 21:09:03 UTC  

And only one of those is allowed by the first amendment.

2020-08-28 21:09:15 UTC  

I agree.
Im getting into the habit of calling them protests.
Shit gets under your skin