Message from @Gigabite
Discord ID: 749006725247533188
This isn’t just a typical riot police squad.
This is secret service
They will control the battlefield
No matter what
This is not right!
He’s just using all the same talking points, Takumi
Nothing new
Biden definitely is a socialist.
Oh and btw just because you change it to Democratic Socialism doesn't mean it's not socialism.
Im watching a video on the full story of what happened from your friend's video
All of the arguments that he has said are from emotion. That makes it very hard to convince someone of their beliefs.
umm...systemic racism does exist democrat controlled areas...guess where most of the blacks and minorities live at democrat controlled areas....any place they don't live under democratic oppression, there is no systemic racism
Theyre telling people to back away and clear out
But they dont
And thats when they started gassing them.
To non violently disperse them
Because the crowd refused to leave when asked to leave
u can be white and still suffer from systemic racism's all about democratic oppression
Yep the most racist places tend to be run by Democrats.
tow the party the party..and ur not oppressed independent of the party, and we make u suffer
sanders spent quality time in soviet union
and wasn't a diplomat, wasn't an elected official then...came back to become one
Am I the only one still upset that your friend thinks peaceful protestors were attacked for no reason?
anybody that throws something at a protest, gives up their right to be a peaceful protestor
even if it's 'throwing a fit'
hell mlk ran peaceful protests
and the dem controlled police oppressed his ass
Democrats shot him
that too
For "the greater good"
they also killed malcom-x for exposing the white liberal
Its pretty well known that protestors have been filling bottles with quick drying cement as well
So after 4 or 5 months of people throwing heavy ass bottles at the the cops were probably sick of taking chances
5 bucks says he won't watch the video