Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 760342083642458112

2020-09-28 01:27:57 UTC  

> I was debating someone and they just pulled the systemic racism card. How do I respond?
@Son of Nerds It's a strange thing. Arguing that an immeasurable perceived concept can't be disproven is true. Ask them to prove that God doesn't exist and they might (doubtfully) understand the premise of their argument.

2020-09-28 01:37:09 UTC  

well it's common knowledge except to the left, that the conservatives are the least racist and least likely to cause systemic racism it clearly must be the democrats..considering they like to segregate even their reps in house of congress by race

2020-09-28 01:40:13 UTC  

Ask them whether it was the liberal schools or the liberal media that caused it

2020-09-28 02:46:10 UTC  

@Son of Nerds I’d phrase it this way, if there is a law that is systematically racist why don’t you tell me what law/ laws so we can fight it together rather then just saying there is a law that exists somewhere, surely that’s a better way of spending time over ghost hunting

2020-09-28 02:58:05 UTC  

@Farfenugen What I like to do is use their own words on them. Such as: yes, systemic racism does, in fact exist, in the form of government systems in place like Affirmative action as well as UNFC, NAACP and many other minority programs. When they try to deny or argue then quickly ask why they are against these programs & why. Keep spinning back on them. System racism implies the system is racist, these are programs in the system based on race, so wether you like/dislike these programs is irrelevant when debating a liberal. Then when opportunity allows throw in questions like, Do you know who has received awards from such presenters like Al Sharpton for many large donations to UNCF & NAACP? Yes, the Terrible racist Donald Trump...

2020-09-28 13:08:17 UTC  

Soo, as a medical student I've been hearing a lot about how I need to be educated about this "white fragility" but when I ask how they feel about the blatant racism in MCAT requirements being drastically lowered for blacks, they seem to be up in arms and defensive... "black fragility" maybe? Of course these are mostly white liberal kids making the argument. *sigh* I wish I could go back to being a grunt, those folks made sense.

2020-09-28 21:28:27 UTC  

@Farfenugen I left the medical industry when women were just starting the sexual harassment BS. Its since progressed into metoo and gone off the rails in every workplace. But it wasnt enough. Now we can be fired for not being racially sensitive enough.

And people wonder why I stopped paying taxes, working normal jobs, and stopped caring about society.

2020-09-28 21:37:01 UTC  

@Ironman same. An aunt of mine got very self-righteous with me the other night trying to argue that it's okay to fire a USC professor for offending students for teaching a Chinese word that sounds like the N-word. Her arguement was that he was probably a narcissist and was probably fired for not saying sorry... But for real... that means they can fire anyone for the stupidest shit.

2020-09-28 21:40:58 UTC  

Ive started 4 businesses in the past 10 years. 2 failed and 2 are still alive. 2 machine shops, a blacksmith shop, and a house cleaning service. 1 machine shop and the cleaning business fell through. Overhead was too costly. One doesnt think about fuel going from house to house nor competition in manufacturing.

I was a LPN student when I dropped out. Highest scoring student in the class. My grandparents still call me a quitter, but they also still believe 12 an hour is a good paying job.

2020-09-28 22:37:42 UTC  


2020-09-28 22:55:27 UTC  

the 'current' founders ...not the original ones

2020-09-29 02:45:20 UTC  

I mean they have been influential. So...

2020-09-29 02:45:36 UTC  

Not in a good way by any means! But you know

2020-09-29 02:45:48 UTC  

Just like Hitler was lol

2020-09-29 03:23:07 UTC  

Not really founders if they didn't found it 🧐

2020-09-29 03:27:59 UTC  

it got sold by the original 'founders' to some rich dems

2020-09-29 03:28:25 UTC  

and handed to the poser 'founders' to be the public face of

2020-09-29 04:16:07 UTC  

Time also put Hitler as Man of the year in 1938-soooooo shows they are consistent smh

2020-09-29 04:20:23 UTC  

well back then, time wasn't owned by msm

2020-09-29 06:18:19 UTC  

So, Antifa has been around since 1920s. Interesting.

2020-09-29 06:18:29 UTC  

They're still the fascists of today tho. ha

2020-09-29 06:19:40 UTC  

well technically they're not fascists ....they're the oppressor marxist that the fascists got created to stop them

2020-09-29 06:20:53 UTC  

they renamed few of their factions to be anti fascist or antifa to fight back at the real nationalistic 'fascists'

2020-09-29 06:21:35 UTC  

which is basically what the real definition of fascism is ...nationalist

2020-09-29 06:22:01 UTC  

or anti globalist, anti communist, anti marxist

2020-09-29 06:29:36 UTC  

Lel. And for that reason they've got this huge thing against Trump. Makes so much more sense.

2020-09-29 06:31:50 UTC  

also the reason for 'cancel culture'

2020-09-29 06:32:14 UTC  

they want to cancel each nation's cultural identity

2020-09-29 06:33:15 UTC  

make everything gender neutral and gender fluid in it's new identity on a global scale

2020-09-29 06:34:06 UTC  

basically distract everybody from everybody else ...especially those that are really pulling the strings behind the scenes ....the criminals against the world's ppl

2020-09-29 06:45:04 UTC  

They're paid mercenaries and anarchists, they need masks to hide behind to feel safe enough to do what they do. The covid plandemic, mandatory wearing of mask gave them the perfect conditions for their cadres to operate.

2020-09-29 06:46:19 UTC  

right that will hide them

2020-09-29 06:47:05 UTC  

The movement or the individuals?

2020-09-29 06:47:37 UTC  

dem cities, states/nations have the highest surveillance system setups ...everybody is tracked and traced...mask won't protect them