Message from @BitsBytes
Discord ID: 760440120355848202
the floyd incident, the covid mask wearing, all plays into antifa's desperate calculus, anarchists want dead "martyrs". I've seen these tactics deployed in the middle east, we call it "pallywood", hamas wants sensationalism for the cameras, they're counting on the media to help spread their "teror". See the paralels.
enjoying the show?
That's exactly what they want.
rbg is also a martyr <a:OMEGAROLL:523806150186237953>
one of my neighbors still believes msm on covid and other stuff like blm bs
she's the delayed trigger
there was a news hold about her
I think rbg's death is another ploy of antifa's employers. People who won't let any dister go to waste. If u follow the "paper trail", who would gain from policitizing rbg's last wishes. Who the heck would think of the constitution on their death bed?... strange huh.
in the end it's all just an attempt to start a race war
your dog died ? that's ypipo's fault, and cheeto hitler did it
So far according to the article u posted it backfired. The silent majority won't get baited.
"Never let a tragedy go to waste"
They'll find a way to blame it on cheeto hitler. Lol
this is what fascism looks like
This is what happens when you believe fake news.
*maces 3 swat officers*
They want to ruin people not protect
well, i'm moving out of this dump
enjoy your corrupt governor and mayor, idiots
"it could run all the way until cops stopped killing black people"
don't you love how the street gangs beating up and killing people for their perceived political views are calling the protectors of law and order "nazis"
It really pissed me off when they spray painted the wwii memorial
Same here. The vandalism of property needs to stop. Those responsible should with go to jail or be shot.
Yeah we really do need to put these thugs in jail because people have put their life savings into their businesses just to have their way of life taken away when an angry mob burns it down.
It just riles me up when the media insists that the protests are mostly peaceful. Come on now.. they are up to either millions or billions of dollars in damages. Several officers and innocent civilians have been injured or killed and your gonna tell me that these protests are mostly peaceful.
If the states donβt put a stop to it people are gonna eventually take this into their own hands and take care of the problem themselves
@lilstitch its going to get to that point. The states wont solve the problem because they want federal funding to cover the damages. Its super corrupt.
Yeah no kidding. Blue states are going to start to see a decrease in their population. People that can move out of those states will.
Which causes a problem in the red states they move to. Texas is a prime example.
Yeah thatβs understandable.