Message from @Ești

Discord ID: 771129959816888341

2020-10-28 19:17:11 UTC  

@DarkSkyKEC A)giver me a reseon george floyds was, and B) good cuase wrong way of going about it

2020-10-28 19:17:19 UTC  

protests good, riots bad

2020-10-28 21:23:48 UTC  

First, we've already explained several times that the footage has shown that George Floyd was already having trouble breathing before the officer did what he did, and while the officer should've found a different restraint method, an autopsy report revealed that Floyd was high on several drugs, including fentanyl which ultimately resulted in his death. Also, the footage shows that the officer's actions were not racially motivated, which goes against the ENTIRE narrative that is being pushed. If you want to push for police reform, sure, but there was zero racism in this incident, and the fact that this movement only focuses on black lives is wrong.

2020-10-28 21:31:37 UTC  

These "protestors" are also the same twitter mob who have been pushing for people to stay home, yet here they are out protesting and gathering in extremely tight spaces. I don't care if you're protesting for a good cause; working is for a good cause too.

2020-10-28 21:31:45 UTC  

Police reform for sure. I would argue that several deaths occur every year that are completely avoidable and as public servants that should literally never happen.

2020-10-28 21:34:17 UTC  

It's funny, all the people they protest for are either rapists, murders, kidnappers, or were previously convicted for a violent crime.......seems like a pattern.......hmmmmmmmmmmm.........

2020-10-28 21:34:27 UTC  


2020-10-28 21:45:32 UTC  

I saw a report that blm/antifa is working with former isis members for training in urban combat. And the chinese were caught shipping thousands of rifles and grenades over to the states. A few containers were seized at port, but who knows how many were distributed successfully. There was also that large SAM rocket that was seized in a florida train depot. These guys are arming up and preparing for a major offensive.

2020-10-28 21:47:11 UTC  

Who is the report by? I wouldn't just believe that all of a sudden, even though it does make sense for China to be in favor of the communists in BLM

2020-10-28 21:48:21 UTC  

Sounds really 'out there'. Might want to do some more research into whatever story that is and whoever it is by.

2020-10-28 21:49:55 UTC  

Which part?

2020-10-28 21:50:22 UTC  

Training, arms shipments, or the rocket

2020-10-28 21:51:33 UTC  

Possibly, i thought is was on a railway car. Unless this is a different one

2020-10-28 21:51:54 UTC  

maybe, this was an air to air missile and not a sam missile

2020-10-28 21:52:02 UTC  


2020-10-28 21:52:02 UTC  

but it was in august

2020-10-28 21:55:09 UTC  

That is the correct rocket. It was transported out by train for disposal.

2020-10-28 22:02:46 UTC  
2020-10-28 22:18:24 UTC  

Yeah i think ive seen that. Its pretty crazy that so many ignore the roots of the blm organization/movement

2020-10-28 22:21:35 UTC  

Not really that crazy to me tbh. They see the name, and the excuses that BLM gives to destroy and riot, and then they say it is justified because of the not so real or valid reasons.

2020-10-28 22:22:13 UTC  

"How dare the police shoot a criminal who is charging them with a knife! They should've tried to deescalate!"

2020-10-28 22:26:28 UTC  

So many people are afraid of being racist that they dont speak up about the absurdity of the movement

2020-10-28 22:34:44 UTC  

I'm not racist. I dont mind speaking up against the shit they are pulling.

2020-10-28 22:35:03 UTC  

I dont care what others think about me. My friends know I am not racist.

2020-10-28 23:04:53 UTC  

Please note I'm not against equal rights for all races. I was directly affected by this in colorado and I know many other people who have and are affected by the riots and protests. Many good officers have lost their lives from this.... I dont feel comfortable saying I support an organization/idea that has blood on its hands.

2020-10-28 23:06:03 UTC  

And ofc you can argue why I do i support police than. Because the police try to keep all of us safe and risks their lives doing so. BLM protesters are not risking their lives for equal rights. The rioters arent. The stupid rioters that start shootings are the ones risking their lives out of hatred. Not for what is right.

2020-10-28 23:09:53 UTC  

and of course these people are going out and rioting/looting in cities which have higher minority populations, meaning they are going around destroying the communities they wish to "support"

2020-10-28 23:10:18 UTC  

creating more division between those communities and police, meaning a higher incident rate of use of force

2020-10-29 03:34:27 UTC  

Watch the respectful moment undocumented shoppers attack far-right reporters in a mostly verbal manner.

2020-10-29 04:39:57 UTC  

tbh he never covers himself up

2020-10-29 04:40:28 UTC  

He needs to blend in like Andy Ngo

2020-10-29 04:41:55 UTC  

chaz still saying blm is good lmao

2020-10-29 12:44:22 UTC  

I am saying that I have not been given proof that antifa is an orginisation.

2020-10-29 12:54:13 UTC  

Just look at the definition of "organization" lol. I've already finished this argument before

2020-10-29 12:54:47 UTC  

you gave me a very well put definition but no proof that Antifa fits into it