Message from @Osha19

Discord ID: 772996533091958795

2020-11-02 21:30:12 UTC  

I like how that entire thing is just "trump bad trump supporters bad" but doesnt actually explain how he's so bad or what specifically he's done

2020-11-02 21:31:27 UTC  

It's like in 1984 where they always say Emmanuel Goldstein is evil but never actually say what he's done.

2020-11-02 22:37:07 UTC  


2020-11-02 22:37:14 UTC  

I’m reading that book now

2020-11-02 22:37:47 UTC  

And the whole ShutDownDC is reminiscent of when they “elected” Adolf Hitler.

2020-11-02 22:39:47 UTC  

There’s so many parallels between 1984 and present day it’s scary

2020-11-02 23:48:01 UTC  

Being a black man in Southeast Texas for the last seven decades, an avid gun owner/sport shooter, a half-century long conservative, I find myself torn at what I'd like to see happen tomorrow; ONE a true landslide for Trump where NO state is blue and Trump get ALL the electoral votes and a 90% popular vote victory OR he gets a victory by just one electoral vote and loses the popular vote. In the first case it would show the radical leftists that the nation just does not support their brand of lunacy. In the second case the left would lose their minds and attempt to burn it all down. When they left their little microcosm of downtown Democrat controlled cities and came out here in the woods where my friends live, they'd learn the true meaning of civil war.

2020-11-02 23:51:07 UTC  

Unfortunately, either way the election turns out, terrorists are gonna throw a shitshow

2020-11-02 23:52:46 UTC  

I almost hope they do and get bold enough to leave the Democrat controlled $hith0le cities and come out here where we shoot stuff for fun.

2020-11-02 23:53:51 UTC  

It's all fun and games until someone in the trees says "Back-blast area clear!"

2020-11-02 23:54:42 UTC  

Pink hair and rainbow shirts glow under NVG

2020-11-03 00:16:00 UTC  

Another fellow Texan. Amen brother

2020-11-03 01:19:25 UTC  

> It's all fun and games until someone in the trees says "Back-blast area clear!"
@N1br0c lol it’s all fun and games until you hear the A-10 engine in the distance

2020-11-03 01:23:54 UTC  

thats when you scatter into the treeline

2020-11-03 01:26:27 UTC  

I honestly am scared what will happen when trump wins. Hell even if Biden wins... that would be hectic too....

2020-11-03 01:26:48 UTC  

I want trump to win. but the chaos that will ensue will affect every state.

2020-11-03 01:28:09 UTC  

some states would be better at containing the chaos, like Texas

2020-11-03 01:29:40 UTC  

It's all fun and games until the national guardsman says "send it"

2020-11-03 01:31:56 UTC  

The police and average citizens will have an answer for the violence. We won't stand for it.

2020-11-03 01:32:15 UTC  

Boca Raton isnt very republican sided you know :p xD

2020-11-03 04:09:17 UTC  

> Being a black man in Southeast Texas for the last seven decades, an avid gun owner/sport shooter, a half-century long conservative, I find myself torn at what I'd like to see happen tomorrow; ONE a true landslide for Trump where NO state is blue and Trump get ALL the electoral votes and a 90% popular vote victory OR he gets a victory by just one electoral vote and loses the popular vote. In the first case it would show the radical leftists that the nation just does not support their brand of lunacy. In the second case the left would lose their minds and attempt to burn it all down. When they left their little microcosm of downtown Democrat controlled cities and came out here in the woods where my friends live, they'd learn the true meaning of civil war.
@Bar I like this quote. I respect you highly sir.

2020-11-03 10:09:13 UTC  

I’d prefer the first one.

2020-11-03 17:13:57 UTC  

I wonder what they would do if biden loses

2020-11-03 18:23:41 UTC  

they would cry if biden lost

2020-11-03 23:07:13 UTC  

A lot of storeowners "armored" their shops as preemptive measures in case Trump wins

2020-11-04 00:04:25 UTC  

Just to be clear, according the CNN, the most trusted news network ever, the protests are *mostly* peaceful.

2020-11-04 00:05:13 UTC  

but thats cnn tho, they full of crap, burning down a building is the opposite of peaceful

2020-11-04 03:29:44 UTC  

aim for the head and body

2020-11-04 03:58:55 UTC  

Insurrection act coming soon