Message from @phil55

Discord ID: 749828572394291260

2020-08-31 02:46:37 UTC  

This is just a general summery of the events

2020-08-31 02:46:38 UTC  

One of them won’t have an arm to use lol

2020-08-31 02:49:14 UTC  


2020-08-31 02:50:24 UTC  

@Luzion The youtubers Officer Tatum and donut operator both have made commentary on these events I suggest watching their videos

2020-08-31 02:51:59 UTC  

Dang that's crazy stuff

2020-08-31 02:53:04 UTC  

Indeed it is

2020-08-31 02:53:36 UTC  

The only thing I see Kyle being charged with is underage possession of a firearm

2020-08-31 02:55:07 UTC  

Either than that. It was 100% self Defence

2020-08-31 03:05:44 UTC  

What the hell was that dude thinking

2020-08-31 03:06:27 UTC  

Need to be a little more specific

2020-08-31 03:06:33 UTC  


2020-08-31 03:06:57 UTC  

He's just a kid, why would he go over there when it is incredibly obvious that either he will die, or he will end up having to kill someone

2020-08-31 03:07:43 UTC  

You’d think it would be incredibly obvious not to chase a man with a rifle

2020-08-31 03:08:23 UTC  

Why would he go there tho? He knows there's deranged protesters all around there who wouldn't like anything more then to kill him

2020-08-31 03:08:40 UTC  

He was there to protect businesses

2020-08-31 03:09:27 UTC  

I think it goes a bit deeper then that, I think he knew what the outcome would be

2020-08-31 03:09:41 UTC  

There is a video of someone interviewing him before said events

2020-08-31 03:09:57 UTC  

Its like walking into the lions den

2020-08-31 03:10:40 UTC  

Um no. No sane person charges a man with a gun or even says “ shoot me “ or attempt to grab a mans gun

2020-08-31 03:10:56 UTC  

Youre missing the point

2020-08-31 03:11:02 UTC  

The protesters are not sane

2020-08-31 03:11:26 UTC  

But I think he knew he was going there to stir up trouble

2020-08-31 03:11:35 UTC  

I doesn’t matter if they are sane or not his whole point was to protect businesses from burning

2020-08-31 03:12:13 UTC  

why would him, as a 17 year old kid do that though? Why would he risk his life for some buildings?

2020-08-31 03:12:45 UTC  

Because it’s the right thing to do, to protect someone’s lively hood

2020-08-31 03:13:13 UTC  

No no no, I think a life is much more precious then someone's financial wellbeing

2020-08-31 03:14:37 UTC  

There were several other militiamen there along with him.

2020-08-31 03:14:42 UTC

2020-08-31 03:14:50 UTC  

Let’s look at it this way rioters are literally trying to burn everything their path and your home is right there would you or would you not protect it. Same applies to a business

2020-08-31 03:14:50 UTC  

Those are grown men tho

2020-08-31 03:15:14 UTC  

Why does age matter?

2020-08-31 03:15:28 UTC  

Yeah you ageist

2020-08-31 03:15:34 UTC  


2020-08-31 03:15:45 UTC  

It’s because he’s purple right?

2020-08-31 03:15:50 UTC  

You’re assuming his age

2020-08-31 03:15:53 UTC  

Oh yeah

2020-08-31 03:15:58 UTC  

Cause he just ruined his whole life for chasing some heroic calling

2020-08-31 03:16:02 UTC  

Guys calm down

2020-08-31 03:16:22 UTC  

He didn’t ruin his life lol, he’s going to win an easy law suit and get compensation for his “jail time”

2020-08-31 03:16:30 UTC  

@phil55 he didn’t ruin his life those idiots who charged him did

2020-08-31 03:16:35 UTC  

The only reason they chased him is because he put out one of their dumpster fires that they intended to use in order to light a gas station up.