Message from @Peris_Arts

Discord ID: 749824566733570049

2020-08-30 22:01:54 UTC  


2020-08-30 22:02:13 UTC  


2020-08-30 22:02:57 UTC  

I mean Discord is giving money to BLM now, why wouldn't there be globalists?

2020-08-30 22:12:57 UTC  

The globalists have gotten into discord itself of course, the real question is what are they going to actually do? 🤔

2020-08-30 22:13:52 UTC  

That is a great question

2020-08-30 22:38:03 UTC  

But what about this discord<:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-08-30 23:34:37 UTC  

any freedom of speech discords?

2020-08-31 02:30:27 UTC  

@Luzion it’s related to the Wisconsin shooting

2020-08-31 02:30:55 UTC  

What happens can you tell me the whole story I'm curious

2020-08-31 02:31:10 UTC  

Alright give me a moment

2020-08-31 02:46:01 UTC  

So there was a 17 year old named Kyle Rittenhouse, who had entered Kenosha Wisconsin to protect businesses from any riot damage. He brought along his friends AR-15 and a medical bag for anyone needed treatment. Somewhere down the line “ Protesters “ started to get really close to him and then started throwing items ( one item being a presumed Molotov cocktail, cannot confirm ). One man started to charge him and of in the distance someone fired of a round in Kyle’s direction ( muzzle flash can be seen ), in a Panik Kyle tried distancing himself but ended up shooting the man chasing him. Kyle went back to the man and hopped on his phone to notify his friend that he had just shot someone and looked like he was about to give medical aid. ( side note, the first man who was shot didn’t die from the head injury there was a bullet entry in his back which had punctured his lung and kidney(( Kyle shot from the front, we don’t know who else fired))). Rioters started closing in yelling “ Get that mother fucker “ so Kyle has to leave rather quickly..

2020-08-31 02:46:04 UTC  

Soon there after multiple rioters were chasing Kyle down; one man literally jumped Kyle, kicking him to the ground; Kyle fired two shots, missing both. Another man came at Kyle with a skateboard, striking Kyle either in the arm or neck ( not sure ) and tried to grab his gun from him; the man had grabbed the barrel of the rifle; trying to pull it; only for Kyle to discharge 1 round directly i to the mans heart. The man walking a couple of feet before collapsing to the ground. A third man then runs up to Kyle directly after the second man was shot but had hesitated so Kyle fired off another round this literally blowing off the mans bicep ( note, this man had run up to Kyle with a pistol in hand; who was later quoted of saying “ my only regret was not emptying my entire mag into that kid “ ). After the third man ran away Kyle got back up and started walking towards arriving police who were not privy to the events that had just taken place. Kyle has explained to the police what happened and now awaiting trial on murder charges

2020-08-31 02:46:14 UTC  
2020-08-31 02:46:37 UTC  

This is just a general summery of the events

2020-08-31 02:46:38 UTC  

One of them won’t have an arm to use lol

2020-08-31 02:49:14 UTC  


2020-08-31 02:50:24 UTC  

@Luzion The youtubers Officer Tatum and donut operator both have made commentary on these events I suggest watching their videos

2020-08-31 02:51:59 UTC  

Dang that's crazy stuff

2020-08-31 02:53:04 UTC  

Indeed it is

2020-08-31 02:53:36 UTC  

The only thing I see Kyle being charged with is underage possession of a firearm

2020-08-31 02:55:07 UTC  

Either than that. It was 100% self Defence

2020-08-31 03:05:44 UTC  

What the hell was that dude thinking

2020-08-31 03:06:27 UTC  

Need to be a little more specific

2020-08-31 03:06:33 UTC  


2020-08-31 03:06:57 UTC  

He's just a kid, why would he go over there when it is incredibly obvious that either he will die, or he will end up having to kill someone

2020-08-31 03:07:43 UTC  

You’d think it would be incredibly obvious not to chase a man with a rifle

2020-08-31 03:08:23 UTC  

Why would he go there tho? He knows there's deranged protesters all around there who wouldn't like anything more then to kill him

2020-08-31 03:08:40 UTC  

He was there to protect businesses

2020-08-31 03:09:27 UTC  

I think it goes a bit deeper then that, I think he knew what the outcome would be

2020-08-31 03:09:41 UTC  

There is a video of someone interviewing him before said events

2020-08-31 03:09:57 UTC  

Its like walking into the lions den

2020-08-31 03:10:40 UTC  

Um no. No sane person charges a man with a gun or even says “ shoot me “ or attempt to grab a mans gun

2020-08-31 03:10:56 UTC  

Youre missing the point

2020-08-31 03:11:02 UTC  

The protesters are not sane

2020-08-31 03:11:26 UTC  

But I think he knew he was going there to stir up trouble

2020-08-31 03:11:35 UTC  

I doesn’t matter if they are sane or not his whole point was to protect businesses from burning

2020-08-31 03:12:13 UTC  

why would him, as a 17 year old kid do that though? Why would he risk his life for some buildings?

2020-08-31 03:12:45 UTC  

Because it’s the right thing to do, to protect someone’s lively hood

2020-08-31 03:13:13 UTC  

No no no, I think a life is much more precious then someone's financial wellbeing

2020-08-31 03:14:37 UTC  

There were several other militiamen there along with him.

2020-08-31 03:14:42 UTC