Message from @rick harrison
Discord ID: 750165652945240157
Anyone know the best fast food chain to work at? Once I'm 16 I'm thinking of applying at Taco Bell since it's like 2 blocks away
Has anyone heard of Nightmare Ned? It’s some old PC game by Disney in 1996. The commercial came up in these old tapes...
Too bad they don't apply this to facts that justify the cops when they need to use force on an unruly suspect
Have you taken any economics courses @rick harrison ?
Yeah I wanted to get my bachelor in college in international studies but I got bored and left (but in reality it was due to medical )
Well that makes sense
You definitely have a much better understanding than I do
Yeah I left college and then I studied on my own, gaining knowledge should never stop
Best thing is teaching yourself.
I agree
I went to a very liberal NYS college as well it was terrible
I feel like teaching others what I'm learning is one of the best ways for me to fully comprehend the subject matter
There are things I learned in a day while working than I did studying for a month in college
is anyone voting for bidens
@MrAconite its different when you have to teach it for sure
eh my state is voting blue regardless
Probably voting trump anyways
You might be surprised
Same CT
Day shootings in NYC big no no
That would be interesting
Only place I KNOW that isnt turning red is Cali
mandatory mail in voting what a joke lol
People saying that Pennsylvania turning blue I laugh
f a s c i s m
I laugh so hard
California has a lot of problems
I love all the words that have completely lost their meaning
I live in California lol
Oh lol no surprises for you then hahah
much of Cali is conservative outside of the cities, much like NY
Then you’d know that like 70% of the cities in California are like dead and need help
The only thing I give this state is that it's given me a 6 figure salary out of college due to everything being expensive
I've had a couple people come to me and tell me "the left has scared me to the right"
People I never thought I'd hear that from