Message from @Kapkan
Discord ID: 751003831382442054
I thought B12X is Iphone 12
Fuck checkra1n
They released their jailbreak for Mac only and then said tough luck to everyone
Then I ran MacOS virtually on my windows pc and it bricked my phone and i had to wipe it with no backup
Then a day or two later they say don’t use a VM
Send me the google doc
Guess I cant jailbreak
I did say that
It's good to question if you are doing the right thing or not, gets you to look at it all. See if things are hurting more than helping
Blindly following without questioning is what gets dictators and horrible events to happen
> You guys ever wonder if maybe we're on the wrong side?
@DarkSkyKEC I mean, there is probably a leftist server somewhere out there where the same question is being asked. They probably think that they are doing the right thing, and they think we are evil. So idk, I guess that it can be kind of a weird thing.
Theres no right or wrong, both sides could work at some point, but seeing these violent acts, i think the leftists agenda to defund the police is wrong right now.
Baby killers 😬
What are the best Pro-Mask and Anti-Mask arguments?
I am not pro-mask or anti-mask, I don't wear them at all unless I am in a private property area in which I actually have to wear them, but I am against forced mask wearing but private buisnesses have the right to require them. So I guess I lean anti-mask but I am not crazy about it and I just have a mask with me.
@Boll If you can smell a fart with a mask on you can catch the 'rona.
@HUNTER4639 Only problem is I don't think that would hold up well in a lot of arguments lol
No matter how true it may be
No, it probably wouldn't😅
"Why dont you wear a mask?" "Well, you see, farts..."
Anyways, I'm thinking about buying Dr. Mikovits book against masks. It's common sense that masks are ridiculous, but the "Greater Good" seems to outmatch all logic.
I need some solid evidence against masks
But yeah
Sounds good.
I always get weird looks for my mask I just don't get why people get freaked out from a gas mask.
oi what i want