Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 754139244049465344

2020-09-11 22:59:12 UTC  

I make my own food to eat

2020-09-11 23:01:12 UTC  

> Supporting local restaurants instead of fast food are good
@Kingsum yes but the Kung flu inconvenience makes it pretty hard to enjoy the atmosphere.

2020-09-11 23:03:05 UTC  


2020-09-11 23:03:16 UTC  

I just go eat and go

2020-09-11 23:04:22 UTC  

if you do that isn't it better to just order food from home?

2020-09-11 23:08:18 UTC  

Sometimes Iā€™m lazy

2020-09-11 23:08:30 UTC  

And I suck at cooking certain stuff that I want to eat

2020-09-12 00:18:21 UTC  

How do you change the minds of 10 of so people who are committed to vote blue

2020-09-12 00:26:32 UTC  


2020-09-12 00:27:20 UTC  

I don't know just ask them what they want.

2020-09-12 00:27:54 UTC  

Committed people might have some TDS.

2020-09-12 00:28:28 UTC  

Maybe if I meet them, I might be able to change their minds.

2020-09-12 00:28:48 UTC  

Speaking as someone who has redpilled others.

2020-09-12 00:35:24 UTC  

share calm videos that highlight bullshit with them. Campus Reform, John Stossel, "Fiery but Mostly Peaceful Protest" clips... etc.

2020-09-12 00:36:20 UTC  

Stuff that doesnt jump out and yell "YOURE STUPID" but instead makes a claim and then backs it up by showing you whats up is more effective than being aggressive about your views... like BLM running into a restaurant and terrorizing people and attacking them and thinking that will get those people to support them...

2020-09-12 00:37:09 UTC  

Change My Mind from Crowder could be good too, because people sit down and have decent discussions instead of Crowder Streams where hes going on and on with his comedy and commentary stuff.

2020-09-12 00:38:12 UTC  

The tactics used in these videos usually don't work.

2020-09-12 00:38:33 UTC  

@Variss but even with all that, it isnt about changing their minds... its about giving them information and letting them do what they will.
You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.
Trying to force the horse to drink will only make it less likely to actually drink as well. Provide them with what they need, the information they need, then let them see it and make their own conclusions. They will resist and refuse for a while, but sewing the seeds will let them eventually sprout.

2020-09-12 00:38:57 UTC  

Campus Reform is probably the closest way to work though.

2020-09-12 00:40:07 UTC  

do you have any suggestions then? instead of "those wont work" because I didnt say only specific things will work, but just giving a suggestion on what to do with people that are way too cemented in a single way of thinking and refuse to acknowledge or even look at the truth of the situation. this is the only way ive found to actually convince people, through gradual change.

2020-09-12 00:40:38 UTC  

Other ones will be very good for a strong debate but it usually never changes them.

2020-09-12 00:41:19 UTC  

straight up debating with people like that isnt going to work either ebcause they cant actually have a debate. theyll continuously refuse and deny evidence without providing any, and it will just devolve into a yelling match and them name calling and youll make negative progress

2020-09-12 00:41:33 UTC  

thats why you dont argue with them or try to debate with them, you give them information and let them do what they will with it.

2020-09-12 00:41:39 UTC  

I find it easier to take an initiative and talk about success. Most of these people don't know alot about the other candidates.

2020-09-12 00:42:08 UTC  

People tend to favor a person who does things they like.

2020-09-12 00:43:00 UTC  

the problem is Trump is doing quite a few things these people like, but they refuse to acknowledge that because hes Trump, or they dont know hes doing those things, or even when someone proves hes doing the things they want they brush it off because "Orange Man"

2020-09-12 00:43:17 UTC  

so despite Trump doing what they want and what they need, theyll still vote democrat. its absolutely fucking mind boggling.

2020-09-12 00:43:42 UTC  

Most of these democrats are sheep.

2020-09-12 00:44:03 UTC  

They pursue to believe in the negative and negate everything else.

2020-09-12 00:44:27 UTC  

but even sheep will change their mind in an instant, these people are worse... they blindly follow something and are so brainwashed into believing it, they wont even mindlessly change sides.

2020-09-12 00:45:08 UTC  

These people don't follow political ideals but rather the status and reputation of a candidate.

2020-09-12 00:45:45 UTC  

what about the clowns that hate Biden, but are still voting for him because "Fuck Trump, even though I know Biden is worse."

2020-09-12 00:45:47 UTC  

If you say "Bernie Sanders with tax cuts so people can have more choice with their money", all of a sudden they would be for lower taxes.

2020-09-12 00:46:39 UTC  

They just hate Trump.

2020-09-12 00:46:49 UTC  

thats what Campus Reform is so awesome. they credit Biden, Killary, Bernie with Trump's ideas or things hes actually implemented, and these ignorant people absolutely LOVE those things, but when they reveal it was Trump they decide they dont like it much anymore.

2020-09-12 00:47:15 UTC  

If you put anyone else with the same ideas into that position, they would go for it.

2020-09-12 00:47:19 UTC  


2020-09-12 00:47:20 UTC  

absolutely insane. Trump's second term is so important... but shit will get very bad. I keep saying things are about to boil over...

2020-09-12 00:48:21 UTC  

This was a good convo.šŸ‘

2020-09-12 00:48:39 UTC  
