Discord ID: 763818535956381696
It's like... 7/10? 8/10?
As a game, it's definitely one of the best Star Wars starfighter games
It's just really sad that we only get 8 ships, and that there really isn't any... successor, so to speak, to the X-Wing
Like the X-Wing is apparently the peak of starfighter design
As a Legends fan, that makes me sad
That's a shame for fans of the Canon too. The X-Wing wasn't necessarily better than The Y-Wing and A-Wings. It was supposed to be more of an all-rounder. Like the Y-Wing had a ton of firepower and could tank a few more hits, but it was slow. Whereas the A-Wing had less durability, was harder to control and had lighter blaster cannons, but was lightning fast and only required a single pilot. The X-Wing was kinda the in between with good speed and good firepower, but neither of them up to par to the others. The peak was most likely with the B-Wing, which was made to replace the Y-Wings. They had incredible firepower and bombing potential, and were fast and highly maneuverable with its spinning cockpit. However, they were hard to control and required multiple people on board if I remember correctly. Not to mention they were fairly rare because Admiral Ackbar had designed them himself and they were only available towards the end of the Galactic Civil War.
The y-wings were bombers though, so in its role the y wing would be a better choice for bombing
were as the x-wing would be better for open combat with Tie fighters
True, though the Y-Wings fared well in open combat as well, but they were most effective with two pilots.
They used them constantly in the Clone War. At least before the Jedi had their own specialized fighters
> True, though the Y-Wings fared well in open combat as well, but they were most effective with two pilots.
@Porcupioneer correct
they specialized in bombing,
but the could kick butt in combat
here better way to say it
X wing is more agile
That works
But Y-Wings could outdo an X-Wing I think if it had the full crew, two pilots and an astromech. What made X-Wings preferable I think was that it was single pilot and the astromech was more optional.
And smaller so it consumed less fuel
It was more resource efficient
Freedom toons new vid
Okay let me be clear because I realize my statement on the X-Wing was a bit... sweeping
I don't mean that the X-Wing IN GENERAL is the best fighter, or ever was. But, in Legends, we got ships that (while admittedly being based on the X-Wing) replaced the main fighter of the Rebel Alliance
Like the E-Wing
And the Owool Interceptor
Which built off of the benefits of the X-Wing, as well as attempting to address some of its flaws
If you are against queer theorists who hate trans LOOOLLLL
Let's be real.
If anyone of us was the president of the United states of America, we prolly get a bj in the oval office too. :V
I have just manually marked the entire server unread
by reading
I do that every day or two. Nothing happens in the wee hours of the morning.
must... have... entire... discord... READ
LOL Yeah, it bugs me when I have all those things lit up.
I see you are also a man of culture 😂
Erratic OCD in my case.
Once saw someone say they minimized all the channels. I wanted to scream <:ScreamingLiberal2:760246375815839785>
I know someone new did by accident last week.
Okay, why do people go into the Music room when no one's around just to disconnect the bot?
I mean, no harm since it's not being used, but it's a weird thing to do.