Message from @Porcupioneer

Discord ID: 763817202784272384

2020-10-08 17:03:56 UTC  

So I played SW Squadrons

2020-10-08 17:03:59 UTC  

Good game

2020-10-08 17:04:06 UTC  

Little disappointed though

2020-10-08 17:07:20 UTC  

@Artanis how do you rate it

2020-10-08 17:07:43 UTC  

It's like... 7/10? 8/10?

2020-10-08 17:08:04 UTC  

As a game, it's definitely one of the best Star Wars starfighter games

2020-10-08 17:08:52 UTC  

It's just really sad that we only get 8 ships, and that there really isn't any... successor, so to speak, to the X-Wing

2020-10-08 17:09:08 UTC  

Like the X-Wing is apparently the peak of starfighter design

2020-10-08 17:09:23 UTC  

As a Legends fan, that makes me sad

2020-10-08 17:22:40 UTC  

That's a shame for fans of the Canon too. The X-Wing wasn't necessarily better than The Y-Wing and A-Wings. It was supposed to be more of an all-rounder. Like the Y-Wing had a ton of firepower and could tank a few more hits, but it was slow. Whereas the A-Wing had less durability, was harder to control and had lighter blaster cannons, but was lightning fast and only required a single pilot. The X-Wing was kinda the in between with good speed and good firepower, but neither of them up to par to the others. The peak was most likely with the B-Wing, which was made to replace the Y-Wings. They had incredible firepower and bombing potential, and were fast and highly maneuverable with its spinning cockpit. However, they were hard to control and required multiple people on board if I remember correctly. Not to mention they were fairly rare because Admiral Ackbar had designed them himself and they were only available towards the end of the Galactic Civil War.

2020-10-08 17:23:08 UTC  


2020-10-08 17:29:48 UTC  

The y-wings were bombers though, so in its role the y wing would be a better choice for bombing

2020-10-08 17:30:06 UTC  

were as the x-wing would be better for open combat with Tie fighters

2020-10-08 17:34:35 UTC  

True, though the Y-Wings fared well in open combat as well, but they were most effective with two pilots.

2020-10-08 17:35:13 UTC  

They used them constantly in the Clone War. At least before the Jedi had their own specialized fighters

2020-10-08 17:36:18 UTC  

> True, though the Y-Wings fared well in open combat as well, but they were most effective with two pilots.
@Porcupioneer correct

2020-10-08 17:36:23 UTC  

they specialized in bombing,

2020-10-08 17:36:30 UTC  

but the could kick butt in combat

2020-10-08 17:36:39 UTC  

here better way to say it

2020-10-08 17:36:42 UTC  

X wing is more agile

2020-10-08 17:36:52 UTC  

That works

2020-10-08 17:38:26 UTC  

But Y-Wings could outdo an X-Wing I think if it had the full crew, two pilots and an astromech. What made X-Wings preferable I think was that it was single pilot and the astromech was more optional.

2020-10-08 17:38:35 UTC  

And smaller so it consumed less fuel

2020-10-08 17:38:45 UTC  

It was more resource efficient

2020-10-08 17:42:10 UTC  


2020-10-08 17:50:34 UTC  

Freedom toons new vid

2020-10-08 17:55:16 UTC  

Okay let me be clear because I realize my statement on the X-Wing was a bit... sweeping

2020-10-08 17:56:24 UTC  

I don't mean that the X-Wing IN GENERAL is the best fighter, or ever was. But, in Legends, we got ships that (while admittedly being based on the X-Wing) replaced the main fighter of the Rebel Alliance

2020-10-08 17:56:28 UTC  

Like the E-Wing

2020-10-08 17:58:12 UTC  

And the Owool Interceptor

2020-10-08 17:59:01 UTC  

Which built off of the benefits of the X-Wing, as well as attempting to address some of its flaws

2020-10-08 17:59:03 UTC  

If you are against queer theorists who hate trans LOOOLLLL

2020-10-08 17:59:14 UTC  
2020-10-08 18:44:30 UTC  

Let's be real.

If anyone of us was the president of the United states of America, we prolly get a bj in the oval office too. :V

2020-10-08 18:53:12 UTC  

I have just manually marked the entire server unread

2020-10-08 18:53:14 UTC  

by reading

2020-10-08 18:53:42 UTC  

I do that every day or two. Nothing happens in the wee hours of the morning.

2020-10-08 18:54:08 UTC  

must... have... entire... discord... READ

2020-10-08 18:54:43 UTC  

LOL Yeah, it bugs me when I have all those things lit up.

2020-10-08 18:55:01 UTC  

I see you are also a man of culture 😂

2020-10-08 18:56:17 UTC  

Erratic OCD in my case.