Message from @Rocci

Discord ID: 768982761489956904

2020-10-22 23:40:33 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:40:34 UTC  

I knew a man named pat. He owned a business in the same industry as mine. His wife found him insurance. It was from a fake company that has emerged from Obamacare. There is only 1 insurance company in my state now thanks to the ACA. Pat has diabetes and weighs well over 300lbs. Pat went to the hospital and now has a massive bill.... the ACA ruins people

2020-10-22 23:40:59 UTC  

If I can ask you this, would it be better to vote in the guy who has been in politics for almost half a decade, helping build the systemic racism, or the guy who is a bit bombastic, but has only been in politics for 4 years now

2020-10-22 23:41:01 UTC  

I’m choosing Trump because well, I like Trump’s stance in the Middle East (recognizing Israeli sovereignty and giving the Palestinians an impossible ultimatum and fighting Iranian aggression)

2020-10-22 23:41:06 UTC  

I have never met a single person who had obamacare

2020-10-22 23:41:11 UTC  

ok im back

2020-10-22 23:41:32 UTC  

It's called the exchange

2020-10-22 23:41:33 UTC  

I’d take the bombastic guy over a guy who’s been in government for nearly half a century

2020-10-22 23:41:43 UTC  

i used to think communism was good, the media and big tech had me that confused

2020-10-22 23:41:50 UTC  

you do not have a choice. If you make too much they make you pay.

2020-10-22 23:42:04 UTC  

can i share a yt vid on here? it is what changed me

2020-10-22 23:42:11 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:42:18 UTC  

you can put in <#719777555242287115>

2020-10-22 23:42:20 UTC  

I already voted trump because his ideas and policies helped my dad make his own business

2020-10-22 23:42:25 UTC  

ok i will share it there

2020-10-22 23:42:27 UTC  

just cus the convo is still going on here

2020-10-22 23:42:39 UTC  

Communism is a failed system

2020-10-22 23:42:41 UTC  

Ping us Kermit

2020-10-22 23:42:44 UTC  

1. He's apart of a child sex trafficking ring
2. He's destroyed the economy
3. He made a cop teargas an innocent person for a photo
4. He promoted a video on his twitter that literally says "white power" in it.
5. He literally said he would date his daughter if they werent related
6. He made antifa a terroist organisation before the KKK

2020-10-22 23:42:49 UTC  

Obamacare has killed all competition in my state. There is only 1 option for every small business owner or citizen who wants private insurance. The only way you can get out of state is when i had a corporate job.

2020-10-22 23:42:57 UTC  

Admins are probably watching with popcorn.

2020-10-22 23:43:11 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:43:23 UTC  

ok i did it

2020-10-22 23:43:24 UTC  

Now that would be funny

2020-10-22 23:43:29 UTC  

Trump has grandchildren who are Jewish. He is not a white supremacist.

2020-10-22 23:43:30 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:43:33 UTC  

Oh no not tear gas!

2020-10-22 23:43:36 UTC  

Lmao didn’t Trump make the KKK a terrorist group lately?

2020-10-22 23:43:40 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:44:01 UTC  

he's said he despises them MANY times

2020-10-22 23:44:17 UTC  

If Trump were a fascist or Nazi, he wouldn’t have let Ivanka marry Jared (Jared is a Jew, to make things clear)

2020-10-22 23:44:17 UTC  

they even asked him in town hall

2020-10-22 23:44:19 UTC  

is the KKK still relevant?

2020-10-22 23:44:21 UTC  

> 1. He's apart of a child sex trafficking ring
> 2. He's destroyed the economy
> 3. He made a cop teargas an innocent person for a photo
> 4. He promoted a video on his twitter that literally says "white power" in it.
> 5. He literally said he would date his daughter if they werent related
> 6. He made antifa a terroist organisation before the KKK
@AceGec 1. Provide proof.
2. Covid was the main cause. Obama had the H1N1, and a housing bubble but economy was trash.

2020-10-22 23:44:46 UTC  

bruh and antifa isnt terrorist?

2020-10-22 23:44:57 UTC  


2020-10-22 23:44:58 UTC  

Yeah, its literally anti facism.

2020-10-22 23:45:08 UTC  

i will share a meme

2020-10-22 23:45:10 UTC  

Antifa is a domestic terror group and so is the KKK

2020-10-22 23:45:10 UTC  

Trump has several sexy wives

2020-10-22 23:45:10 UTC  

not here