Message from @JoeMama

Discord ID: 770228173920403458

2020-10-26 04:42:35 UTC  

pretty sure theres websites for it

2020-10-26 04:42:39 UTC  

identify them how they choose

2020-10-26 04:42:43 UTC  

don't be transphobic

2020-10-26 04:42:55 UTC  

Ok geeze, sorry

2020-10-26 04:45:34 UTC  

try the snapchat thing that identifies music

2020-10-26 04:45:42 UTC  

idk how it works google it

2020-10-26 04:46:39 UTC  

How about we stop sharing questionable links @Son of Nerds

2020-10-26 04:47:01 UTC  

What is questionable about a piano song?

2020-10-26 04:47:31 UTC  

I'm just trying to ask about piano music@jerpeau

2020-10-26 09:45:29 UTC  

Is anyone else turned off of certain celebrities and content creators when they start expressing their political beliefs?

2020-10-26 09:47:39 UTC  

I can’t watch football, NBA, Certain channels i liked on youtube, some movies because it reminds me of all of the politics in everything

2020-10-26 09:48:02 UTC  

Politics is a nasty rattlesnake pit.

2020-10-26 09:49:26 UTC  

I am always very dissapointed in the constant reminders of politics everywhere I go from, from the schools to the shows and even to my neighbors, politics is seeping everywhere.

2020-10-26 09:50:38 UTC  

I liked to watch hermitcraft streamers on youtube as a way to unwind, and one of the people i follow was comparing the president to hitler, this creator is from Germany and should know better

2020-10-26 09:50:50 UTC  

I am guessing the people just felt like they needed to change the world (like a revolution) by greater exposure of anti-Trump propoganda. :/

2020-10-26 09:51:52 UTC  

Urging people to vote and doing criminal acts is what appears to be the case (mostly from the left in my opinion).

2020-10-26 09:53:47 UTC  

Maybe they are trying to expose politics for a natural culture in America. :/

2020-10-26 09:54:14 UTC  

They want people to be "woke" about the world around them.

2020-10-26 10:01:01 UTC  

It just bothers me because my family was affected by the holocaust and comparing the two detracts from the atrocities committed by Hitler and those that served him. I am an avid student of history specifically interested in what led to World War 1& II The fall of the monarchies and The rise of Marxism

2020-10-26 10:11:44 UTC  

I love to follow history, but anytime I talked about Adolf Hitler in my class (only in historical context) even if it's a history class, I have to specify that I do not support him or Support what he did. People always see me on my free time looking up World War II, and the atrocities committed, and they approach me as if I'm somehow agreeing with the Nazi regime.

2020-10-26 10:11:46 UTC  


2020-10-26 10:12:19 UTC  

Personally, I'm interested in the post-war trials, there are many who say that the trials were Justified and they deserved it, while some others say that it was not any right of the International Community to put them on trial.

2020-10-26 10:19:16 UTC  

@KRGOOD oh I see you know Docm77... well hes always been open about his political opinions on his Twitter and videos/streams... unfortunately.

2020-10-26 10:19:55 UTC  

I used to watch Ijevin. But recently he showed his political views rather boldly and harshly. Dont watch him anymore and I try to avoid any videos, from other hermits, that have him

2020-10-26 10:21:19 UTC  

People outside the US really shouldnt say anything about the US unless they get a proper unbiased opinion formed. But no. That will most likely never happen.

2020-10-26 10:21:50 UTC  

Drives me mad how much trump derangement syndrome is in hermitcraft 😂

2020-10-26 10:26:32 UTC  

I honestly think youtubers just need to stay neutral in political issues/ stuff. I'm not saying they cant have their own opinion. But people watch minecraft videos (of all things) to escape from the craziness that is our world

2020-10-26 10:26:59 UTC  

I don't want to watch a youtuber and be spoon fed all that crazy crap...

2020-10-26 10:27:22 UTC  

I watch Etho mostly, some mumbo. Haven't been watching for a couple weeks, but I don't think they would be preaching any politics in their videos. Idk about others

2020-10-26 10:27:34 UTC  

@Osha19 i mean being from michigan we often look down on ohio (where jevin is from) but i wouldnt say they’re outside the US lol

2020-10-26 10:27:43 UTC  

Please note if a channels in the way like Tyler's is.. that's fine lol. But I meant gaming channels in this point

2020-10-26 10:28:14 UTC  

> @Osha19 i mean being from michigan we often look down on ohio (where jevin is from) but i wouldnt say they’re outside the US lol
@KRGOOD hm.. well I still think how Jevin worded his "awakening" was rather stupid.

2020-10-26 10:29:03 UTC  

mostly I hated how all of the games I played made large cringe blm announcements

2020-10-26 10:29:14 UTC  

it was and both joe and cleo lean the same way

2020-10-26 10:29:20 UTC  

> I watch Etho mostly, some mumbo. Haven't been watching for a couple weeks, but I don't think they would be preaching any politics in their videos. Idk about others
@Sengorn Leopardae I've got no clue about Etho. Mumbo... I'm half and half. I do detect some liberal vibes now and then... and hes retweeted political stuff before...

2020-10-26 10:29:55 UTC  

> it was and both joe and cleo lean the same way
@KRGOOD Joe I knew from the start. Even as sophisticated as he is, hes fallen to the same issue.

2020-10-26 10:30:05 UTC  

Had no idea about cleo

2020-10-26 10:30:40 UTC  

I used to watch them all but cant watch any of them right now

2020-10-26 10:31:02 UTC  

Grian isnt too bad. But he often collabs with a lot of them... so yea

2020-10-26 10:31:03 UTC  

Etho is nice and calm mostly, watched him for many years and only time I heard him mention IRL was to talk about an illness, explain mic is new, or say he was getting burned out on a game.

2020-10-26 10:31:11 UTC  

@Sengorn Leopardae yeah i was going to buy a ps5 but then i learned they caved to the SJWs