Message from @SubtleSara
Discord ID: 770464857615106099
There’s less than no enthusiasm on the Left.
All they have is anti Trump, Trump on the other hand draws crowds everywhere he goes.
I could actually get my dad in CaLIFORNIA to vote for Trump, if I tried
I think my 76 year old dad might just want peace in California until he dies
Sorry dad, not voting Biden, gross
I think California turned blue in 1992. I could see it turning red again before the end of this decade tbh. Californians must be tired of their policies. The mass exodus speaks for itself.
It’s because Trump talks to us. He doesn’t go through the media or anyone. He tweets and talks directly to his base.
No, Californians are being LIED TO but their cable companies denying republican news channels
The problem is the red flees the state.
It helps you connect unlike ever before.
I fleed California almost a decade ago
I mean yeah, true.
Confederacy: "We wanna secede."
Union: "This means war."
California: "We wanna secede."
Union: 🦗
Right??? Lol Fine then! Go on and git!
The only way for a person who is not famous to make it in Cali is, Live in a box apt for 5 years, live off noodles, and then get out.
nononononononononono do not leave me here in this shithole of a state
I did
i'd go before that wall makes a 90 degree turn north buddy.
Im still saving and im not 18 yet
I see this going very badly, they will start a Californian Republic before they get their shit together and realize we were right all along
Hang tight, my young friend
well make sure that shit is deposited in a national bank bc the rest of us know we can nuke that fault line and have that state fall into the ocean tomorrow.
Or Nancy Pelosi will die, and the state might take control of their shit again
This is some shit, isn't it, you guys
she has no control.. shes only their safety net when they need more money from the other 49 states
I'm a Californian who escaped
No she needs dead, immediately
Gavin Newsom will be the 21st century’s Jefferson Davis lol
Gavin will be hit by a bus
Mark my words, these leaders will die randomly
If california needs more money they will print their own currency from their own banks.
I was hoping a prius
I saw this trend in 2008 when Obama gained office, how many whistleblowers died by Hilary's hit list?
their time in arkansas was much worse
They lost many friends and personal state trooper body guards. I am sure it was very difficult for the clinton family.