Message from @DishonoredRonin

Discord ID: 779200544890814544

2020-11-20 04:21:59 UTC  

Had paralysis once, lucid dreams a lot.

2020-11-20 04:22:12 UTC  


2020-11-20 04:22:26 UTC  

I've had a recurring dream my entire life. Scared me shitless as a toddler, now I sort of just ignore it.

2020-11-20 04:22:30 UTC  

I have pedophobia. If something looks too lifelike and human, it freaks me out. Animatronics, portraits, porcelain dolls, mannequins.

2020-11-20 04:22:34 UTC  

Also with my fair share of reoccurring nightmares.

2020-11-20 04:22:35 UTC  

All my lucid dreams end w me being a supervillain high on my own eternal power lmao

2020-11-20 04:22:44 UTC  

Kmart is my waking nightmare

2020-11-20 04:22:48 UTC  

I can’t resist the call of supreme lordship

2020-11-20 04:22:59 UTC  

@Foxino Viola Dont watch Daft Punk's Technologic

2020-11-20 04:23:30 UTC  

One lucid dream I had, I was getting ready for school and just... Transformed into a fox and had fun. Guess that doesn't have anything to do with anything

2020-11-20 04:23:38 UTC  

Note to self: Dont give superhero drink to Drac...

2020-11-20 04:23:39 UTC  

I’m a control freak so lording over the world is like the best thing I dream of lol

2020-11-20 04:24:04 UTC  

Good to meet you kriegor

2020-11-20 04:24:09 UTC  

Damn but I want the superhero juice 🥺

2020-11-20 04:24:12 UTC  

Good night all

2020-11-20 04:24:18 UTC  

Likewise. Deuces!

2020-11-20 04:24:19 UTC  

Gn ssg

2020-11-20 04:24:24 UTC  

I'm glad my lucid dream didn't get... Soaked

2020-11-20 04:24:35 UTC  

That would... Be questionable

2020-11-20 04:24:41 UTC  

Simply simping guy

2020-11-20 04:24:46 UTC  

Night, SSG.

2020-11-20 04:25:26 UTC  

I don't simp.

2020-11-20 04:25:26 UTC  

Anybody here develop using Unity...I need help.

2020-11-20 04:25:33 UTC  

Lmao so you think

2020-11-20 04:25:55 UTC  

Fuck I gotta sleep

2020-11-20 04:26:00 UTC  

I don't simp. Those times I do don't count

2020-11-20 04:26:02 UTC  

Most here simp for Trump. Myself included (for most things)

2020-11-20 04:26:06 UTC  

See y’all later imma hit myself w cast iron skillet

2020-11-20 04:26:21 UTC  

Ah, strongest weapon known to Anime

2020-11-20 04:26:37 UTC  

And pubg

2020-11-20 04:26:47 UTC  

@Draconem_Dominus lemme help u

2020-11-20 04:27:02 UTC  

Aight cool

2020-11-20 04:27:06 UTC  

Aim for the temple

2020-11-20 04:27:15 UTC  

Gn y’all

2020-11-20 04:27:22 UTC  

Gn Drac

2020-11-20 04:27:23 UTC  

Bye have bad dreams

2020-11-20 04:27:50 UTC  

Also, you should've changed your pfp to Chichi and _then_ offered.

2020-11-20 04:28:13 UTC  

Her frying pan attacked wrecked Goku

2020-11-20 04:28:38 UTC  

Chichi is too bitchy

2020-11-20 04:28:49 UTC  

Not arguing

2020-11-20 04:28:49 UTC  

Night, weirdos.