Message from @cha_rless
Discord ID: 790359044787142677
.9% is the crime stop by Guns
There are 3 million uses in self-deffence each year by us of a gun in the USA per year
Let’s say .9% is 1% since it’s pretty close
Since 1% is 1/100 we can multiply the 3,000,000 by 100 to figure out how many crimes there are
Can you comes out to roughly 300,000,000
If we take the conservative estimate of 2.5 million self defense. Uses a year it will come out to 250 million
If we can compair that to the US population it ranges from 71% to 91% of the population committing crimes
Which seems a bit high
but. isn't that assuming 300M americans commit crimes?
> There are roughly 3,000,000 in self-defense uses of a firearm every year in USA
> So that’s autistic is true it means they’re 300 million crimes a year in the USA
What the fuck?
Correct which is why the .9% of the crimes that with guns is incorrect
.9% of is referring to whichever the police filed under "crimes" tho
Corn-pop was pointing out illogical of stats, i think
Who stated those illogical stats?
he's referring to the stats that "Guns only stop .9% of crimes in the USA" and trying to debunk it
Someone in the dem server 
Why does he keep on posting OBJ
lol i thought that's discord not able to display some specific signs or something
Hello. 🙂
Hold tf up
This makes no sense
Not 300 million
I did the calculations
Hold up
He's quoting someone else President
Oh sordy
I meant to @ corn pop
Not 300 million
That’s a 1/30