Message from @Kid Persona

Discord ID: 792530060463702016

2020-12-26 23:06:38 UTC  

And what's with people wearing a mask in there own car and they are alone

2020-12-26 23:06:44 UTC  

But but...I’m a chump lol

2020-12-26 23:07:05 UTC  

My mom and I call them sheep and Biden supporters

2020-12-26 23:07:06 UTC  


2020-12-26 23:07:15 UTC  

imagine wearing a mask at a restaurant

2020-12-26 23:07:23 UTC  

Especially with boomers, I see it everyday here in Florida

2020-12-26 23:08:29 UTC  

they're scared

2020-12-26 23:08:41 UTC  

my aunt has COPD from smoking and she's terrified of the virus

2020-12-26 23:08:53 UTC  

and she's elderly

2020-12-26 23:08:57 UTC  

Kinda feel bad for them tbh

2020-12-26 23:09:01 UTC  

They shouldn’t force everyone to be sheep though

2020-12-26 23:09:18 UTC  

fear is very powerful weapon

2020-12-26 23:09:23 UTC  

it really is

2020-12-26 23:09:25 UTC  

Unfortunately it is

2020-12-26 23:09:45 UTC  

there was a video on youtube called "the story of your enslavement"

2020-12-26 23:09:50 UTC  

its on altcensored now

2020-12-26 23:09:55 UTC  

you should check it out

2020-12-26 23:10:20 UTC  

i actually have a few elder relatives that i should talk to soon because they've all destroyed their lungs from smoking and i wanna be able to have a conversation with em just in case the get the rona

2020-12-26 23:10:22 UTC  

I might if I can sneak out of work again lol

2020-12-26 23:11:13 UTC  

They wanted to keep me after we closed (early) on Thursday

2020-12-26 23:11:30 UTC  

Like no, I’m not gonna stay here JUST to sit at my desk bored

2020-12-26 23:19:26 UTC  

Do you know the name of the channel?

2020-12-26 23:20:18 UTC  

its by stefan molyneux

2020-12-26 23:20:27 UTC  

K thx

2020-12-26 23:20:30 UTC  


2020-12-26 23:22:14 UTC

2020-12-26 23:35:54 UTC  

Has she stopped smoking tho?

2020-12-26 23:38:23 UTC  

@Kouang Tcheo Wan i watched the vid it has a good point

2020-12-26 23:40:51 UTC  

<:Kek:776931142644924436> <:Kek:776931142644924436>

2020-12-26 23:41:02 UTC  

That's gross lmao

2020-12-26 23:52:15 UTC  

yeah but it's too late, damage is done

2020-12-26 23:58:09 UTC  

Oh ok... because I know a few ppl that are terrified of the virus but yet they keep on smoking and all around not taking care of themselves.

2020-12-27 00:01:11 UTC  

yeah that's a bit hypocritical

2020-12-27 00:01:21 UTC  

especiallyif they're demanding that others do certain things

2020-12-27 00:01:48 UTC  

holiday weekends are boring af

2020-12-27 00:06:28 UTC  

All weekends have been boring af since they closed everything down ...

2020-12-27 00:06:55 UTC  

Here at least... I wish I was somewhere else where stuff was still open

2020-12-27 00:08:05 UTC  

i always assumed to myself cotton gins and tractors ended slavery

2020-12-27 00:08:15 UTC  


2020-12-27 00:08:46 UTC  

and then the media did something interesting on this one show then everyone loved it

2020-12-27 00:08:47 UTC  

but who makes the cotton gins and tractors?