Message from @NAME_

Discord ID: 797166240866500629

2021-01-08 18:11:34 UTC  

The term “ally” is a lil dumb imo.

2021-01-08 18:11:37 UTC  

Grow what

2021-01-08 18:11:43 UTC  

I have Thyme seeds

2021-01-08 18:11:45 UTC  

I’m also a supreme sandwich

2021-01-08 18:11:48 UTC  

Beff Jezos 😂

2021-01-08 18:11:48 UTC  

Uhhh fortnite

2021-01-08 18:11:56 UTC  

When they name a street after Kamala Harris, it will be two streets. So it's Kamala Korner.

2021-01-08 18:11:58 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:12:02 UTC  

It’s to describe someone who is straight but supportive of lgbt

2021-01-08 18:12:12 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:12:23 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:12:51 UTC  

OK, no one gets that. lol

2021-01-08 18:12:59 UTC  

Trump is a #ally

2021-01-08 18:13:18 UTC  

When I was in my HS’s GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance), a lot of us were “allies”, even myself as an officer of the club.

2021-01-08 18:13:18 UTC  

Technically he is by normal standards

2021-01-08 18:13:20 UTC  

Elon passed Bezos

2021-01-08 18:13:43 UTC  

Elon is proof that hard work does pay off

2021-01-08 18:13:46 UTC  

Doesn't Bezos still live in Seattle?

2021-01-08 18:13:51 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:13:53 UTC  

Jesus Christ, that is pathetic.

2021-01-08 18:14:02 UTC  

Jeff is proof you can make a monopoly even in a regulated capitalism

2021-01-08 18:14:24 UTC  

monopolies are why this fails

2021-01-08 18:14:39 UTC  

every time BLM burns a store using jeffs money

2021-01-08 18:14:50 UTC  

his company gets to sell more

2021-01-08 18:14:54 UTC  

by delivery

2021-01-08 18:14:56 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:15:14 UTC  

and thats bascially teh truth of the matter

2021-01-08 18:15:21 UTC  

lol "My HS's GSA..." Fuuuuck. Hahahaha.

2021-01-08 18:15:27 UTC  

but fuck trump supporters for being the bear who's been poked too many times

2021-01-08 18:15:37 UTC  

My HS had one, never joined

2021-01-08 18:15:40 UTC  

The officers were majority allies, it was the members who were mostly lgbt. I thought it should’ve been flipped, it seemed like a bunch of straight people were telling gay people what to think.

2021-01-08 18:15:54 UTC  

but BLM can burn buildings down and kill people

2021-01-08 18:15:58 UTC  

that's fine

2021-01-08 18:16:16 UTC  

Looking back i did have a fear of being associated with it but now I just don't give a fuck

2021-01-08 18:16:16 UTC  

thats what happens when you keep it all inside for years and act totally right and by the book
you explode
thats why its good to kick some commie ass here and there

2021-01-08 18:17:01 UTC  

No damned high school should have any damned Gay Straight bullshit, people. Just fucking go to school to learn. No wonder this generation is fucked in the head.

2021-01-08 18:17:04 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:17:20 UTC  

Their the real ist and phobes. Don’t need them to tell me who to vote for

2021-01-08 18:18:05 UTC  

My school also had an anime club (was supposed to be asian appreciation, but weebs turned it into an anime club), gaming club, etc.

2021-01-08 18:18:16 UTC  


2021-01-08 18:18:17 UTC  
