Message from @CasualTiming
Discord ID: 797202061325893653
i'm sorry to disappointed you, but i clicked on the link ðŸ˜
i got rick&rolled twice this week
poor him
I did too but I expected it to be one
I didn't click
I've had 2 attempted rickrolls this week lol
i shoulda know from that familiar cookie layout ;;v;;
today is a good day
this would be the third
Lefties: *goo goo ga ga*
How so?
I’m not saying it’s bad but I’m just wondering what makes it a good day lol
His rickrolling lol
I can’t believe people are confused about why people rioted at the Capital building. This wasn’t about Trump. It was about the fact that it wouldn’t stop with Trump. Dems are still going to peruse cancel culture with or without him. But the thing that proves to me that this all complete Bs and Dems need to pay is the audacity for Dems to tell us to look away from the riots that destroyed so many peoples livihood and businesses. But stare at the Capital building riots. Fuck that I see the game they are playing. And then Joe says that we expected this from the beginning. This election was stolen. The Fake News refused to talk about anything Trump did good the last 4 years and then they even banned people for showing the Biden laptop on Facebook so Joe could still win. America will not be a socialist society backed by the Chinese without a damn fight
This is why Trump said this is only the beginning.. right?
I think he is planning something..
Something big.. but idk
its a good day becuse i got a bunch of peeps with that link XD
Oh got gods sake
that is prob also a rickroll
i swear
Gather some good Conservative coders and developers and create a discord alternative
someone take one for the team
If that’s real
And even if it isn’t
either way that sux
Of course
it is legit
Man I need these links
Gotta go Rick roll some people
I don’t wanna click it
it is very legit just like Bidens presidency
no proof, no evidence it's fake.