Message from @(•~•)
Discord ID: 721798933818507354
What happened to the chat?
What chat
What happened where i dont see anything
Oh It’s back
Just had to close it and turn it on
*do you know what kind of train this is?*
a pacer
They aren’t supposed to know
Welcome, @NocturneOfSolace.
It happened again
There we go it’s fixed
I’m surprised that covid is cured though
it is?
It keeps on happening!
covid was a scam from the start
Apparently since it’s ok to protest in large groups
lol okay wasnt sure if you were memeing or not
like I said, it was a scam from the start
@(•~•) more of these pls
Also guys we still have the up coming Debates and the election this year. We thought it was historical when they try do it early of last year with them 1 up each other by speaking Spanish lol
the “its just the flu bro” people were unironically correct
Lol ppl will start getting it more in a week or 2
> @(•~•) more of these pls
@Deleted User what people?
Meme in meme chat don't get banned guys
i legitimately never worried about covid 19 for even a second
there is an unnecessary gay/black/asian or whatever person in literally every western netflix or other series so the lesbians ain't even right
covid has been used as an excuse to push authoritarianism, isolation and a society more easily accepting of something like social credit scores
Can anyone explain to me why the left are posting obama on trumps related tweets today
It looks stupid
> pls=please
@Deleted User I know
> It looks stupid
@Deleted User
But more of who?
Obama was best president don't you know
i think you answered your own question
Anyone here ever seen a ghost?