Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 721946235522515005

2020-06-15 04:34:14 UTC  
2020-06-15 04:34:18 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:34:31 UTC  

you get your filthy arrow to the knee memes out of here

2020-06-15 04:34:31 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:34:48 UTC  

that meme is the reason i got a mod that caused lightning to smite a guard everytime he said that

2020-06-15 04:34:54 UTC  

to put it simply, imperium wants to kill all xenos, eldar are so far up their own asses that their intestines resemble life size plastic casts, dark eldar are the same but into a shit ton of kinky ass torture BDSM turned up to 20, orks are on a constant mission to fight everything in the galaxy, chaos is full of demons serving 4 different satans, the tyranids are literally just trying to eat the galaxy, and thats all the important faction

2020-06-15 04:34:58 UTC  

I'm probably gonna head to bed now. Goodnight everyone.

2020-06-15 04:35:05 UTC  

@NocturneOfSolace space marine mod is a MUST have

2020-06-15 04:35:08 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:35:20 UTC  

I once took my filthy arrow to the knee memes out of here until I took a arrow to the knee

2020-06-15 04:35:35 UTC  

@Rat King delete this heresy

2020-06-15 04:35:50 UTC  

oh wait, i forgot the necrons

2020-06-15 04:36:01 UTC  

I once deleted heresy until....

2020-06-15 04:36:02 UTC

2020-06-15 04:36:09 UTC  

I took an arrow to the knee

2020-06-15 04:36:20 UTC  

you hug that flag trump

2020-06-15 04:36:21 UTC  

it needs it

2020-06-15 04:36:22 UTC  

the necrons are basically just a bunch of mindless skeleton robots who hate all life

2020-06-15 04:36:27 UTC  

just think terminator 2

2020-06-15 04:36:27 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:36:35 UTC  

@NocturneOfSolace you have skyrim 40k mod?

2020-06-15 04:36:39 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:36:47 UTC  


2020-06-15 04:36:48 UTC  

dont really install mods that aren't lore friendly 99% of the time

2020-06-15 04:36:58 UTC  

Let's face the facts. Trump cannot fix our debts.

2020-06-15 04:37:08 UTC  

hey, if you think about it, space marines go to feudal worlds all the time

2020-06-15 04:37:14 UTC  

fair enough i suppose

2020-06-15 04:37:23 UTC  

so aside from the dragon stuff, not TOO far off

2020-06-15 04:37:25 UTC  

I mean i dont know anyone who COULD

2020-06-15 04:37:28 UTC  

fix the US debt

2020-06-15 04:37:32 UTC  

cause our debt is absurd

2020-06-15 04:37:36 UTC  

plus, there are some XENOS who need to be purged in tamriel

2020-06-15 04:37:41 UTC  

At the end of the day the USA is in debt to the entire world

2020-06-15 04:37:48 UTC  

Ty democrats

2020-06-15 04:37:57 UTC  

the only thing i can think of to fix it is if we somehow were able to completely

2020-06-15 04:37:59 UTC  

And we'll have to answer for our debts

2020-06-15 04:38:00 UTC  

purge all democratic influence

2020-06-15 04:38:00 UTC  

His birthday is flag day too

2020-06-15 04:38:01 UTC  

and corruption

2020-06-15 04:38:07 UTC  

and really just focus on economy building

2020-06-15 04:38:10 UTC  

and not spending