Message from @Rat King
Discord ID: 721957009003511871
@NeoGhost Yes, Rigel the 16th was my favorite Farscape character too 😛
The moon has 0 resource value
Welcome, <@!721953614389575681>.
so, yeah there's that.
Yeah, no... helium 3 isn't on the moon
Yeah it is.
@kyzercube you know he might be trolling you right?
@NocturneOfSolace I know 😛
okay just checking
i was worried
Hence the droll, short responses. Internet rule #14 😉
the moon has holes we can export
Yeah, no
like the holes themselves
take the hole
Wtf happened here
That actually reminds me of a joke a psychiatrist showed me. When in a convo in life and asked a yes or no question, respond by shaking your head up and down when saying " no ", and left and right when saying " yes " 🤣
@OffensiveTaco That's a pic of the far side of the Moon that we can't see on Earth. It has a massive crater.
Who told you helium exist on the moon?
I actually do a lot of amateur astronomy
LOL wait nvm
it's a pic of both the near and far side merged together
Yeah i waw wondering too
Wait, who proved helium exist on the moon?
It's a weird angle shot of the Moon
Oh ok... there's 0 proof helium exists on the moon...
The abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon than on Earth, having been embedded in the upper layer of regolith by the solar wind over billions of years,[5] though still lower in abundance than in the Solar System's gas giants.[6][7]