Message from @P4551V3N37
Discord ID: 722198440037056534
See the movie Unplanned.
The process is terrible for the woman too
I've never had one.
Please it even rhymes
I never will.
Scraping around her uterus to get all the baby shards out
Flamethrower 2.0 almost done
That was poor wording
No no no. If you're really brave, look up Live Action.
Oh yeah
I'll update on results
Canโt they not give their unborn to a couple willing to adopt
They're too selfish
@LoneWanderer101 ๐บ๐ธ that's the logical thing to do, but people who are pro abortion arent logical
I've seen the "after abortion" and it's startling and disgusting.
And most women come to regret it
AND, they are proven now to sell baby parts.
It breaks my heart seeing people dismiss innocent life like they do
It does piss me off when they chose abortion over adoption
I like how its a clump of cells in the mother but "valuable human tissue" when its sold
Imagine wanting to purposefully destroy human life yet coming up with mind boggling excuses to try and make it justified.
how can people do that? like i cry at a random bird i found dead
And, think of WHERE these PP are positioned.
Rate my meem
In black communities
@P4551V3N37 12/10
These Democrat/Socialist people USE poor Black communities. THAT is also disgusting.
@moonchildbu this is true
And MSM are part of the brainwashing.
Abortion is a right! Kill your offspring! Its empowering!
Kill me.
It's all BS.
They also use the lgbt community