Message from @Tom B

Discord ID: 723427982873591949

2020-06-19 05:32:15 UTC  

Did I see talk of Japanese merch? Because I'm a collector

2020-06-19 06:05:39 UTC  

Wasn't me, must have been the other crazy bunny <.<

2020-06-19 06:28:15 UTC  

So today, my neighbor (who's family is legal immigrated from Kenya) found a large (about the size of the palm of her hand) stone had been placed in a front corner of her driveway. It was really ghetto looking, painted bright green, and sitting up where you could see that on it was written a 9 in marker. If you turn it upside down, it looks like a 6. She immediately felt creeped out. As soon as she showed it to me, it creeped me out too (bad vibes man). Sooo.... has anyone else been seeing or hearing about this? She said she knew her house was "Marked". Two paranoid types of things came to my mind...but I'd love to hear from anyone else if you have seen or heard anything about this....Because BLM has taken over a recent park in our area...and we're both a bit ... well, creeped out!!

2020-06-19 06:29:40 UTC  

I thought of putting a BLT sign in my yard.. just to make them wonder....

That sounds freaky

2020-06-19 06:32:10 UTC  

Whats someone thing a con can say that would trigger a far lefty

2020-06-19 06:33:03 UTC  

also contemplating PEOPLE SUCK #nolivesmatter

2020-06-19 06:33:21 UTC  

that should get some side-eye


2020-06-19 06:33:56 UTC  

Crap I thought this was the r/conservative discord lmao

2020-06-19 06:34:29 UTC  

nah.. this is the crusty conservative one.. hehe

2020-06-19 06:34:52 UTC

2020-06-19 06:35:03 UTC  

Its clear now guys

2020-06-19 06:35:15 UTC  

damn kids and you're 8-track tapes and mini-skirts... country's going to hell, i tell ya

2020-06-19 06:39:22 UTC  

Continuing my question from yesterday. Should I use dry or sweet triple sec for a long island?

2020-06-19 06:40:37 UTC  

The drink I mean

2020-06-19 06:42:09 UTC  

@Armenelos i live in oregon. Its been a thing here for a few years now. People paint rocks and leave them everywhere for others to find. Its weird imo, but its normal here. Ill take a picture of the next one I see and post it

2020-06-19 06:43:17 UTC  

Its supposed to be a cute treasure hunt kind of thing. People leave them in business window sills, hiking trails, and just on random things all over.

2020-06-19 06:44:29 UTC  
2020-06-19 06:44:31 UTC  


2020-06-19 06:45:24 UTC  

That would be better for <#719777555242287115> or <#720450552416305254>

2020-06-19 06:45:30 UTC  

Oh yeah

2020-06-19 06:45:40 UTC  

But man thats fking crazy

2020-06-19 06:51:57 UTC  

If you think the US is bad, don’t even think about UK 😂

2020-06-19 06:52:55 UTC  


2020-06-19 06:53:08 UTC  

_dont forget china too_

2020-06-19 06:53:32 UTC  

_actually lets include germany too_

2020-06-19 06:56:32 UTC  


2020-06-19 06:56:40 UTC  

Saudi Arabia

2020-06-19 06:56:54 UTC  

pretty much anywhere except the US sucks xD

2020-06-19 06:58:04 UTC  

A lot of people dont realize, the reason why a lot of countries dont pay for medical and all that stuff, is because the US is their military. Soo they dont have to worry about a military budget.

2020-06-19 07:05:53 UTC  

We sure do.

2020-06-19 07:06:00 UTC  

Cuz we are bad asses

2020-06-19 07:06:21 UTC  

I think we have like 26 of the worlds 28 super carriers

2020-06-19 07:06:52 UTC  

and we have like 6500 nukes

2020-06-19 07:07:18 UTC  

The US has enough firepower to destroy the world 6 times over.

2020-06-19 07:09:03 UTC

2020-06-19 07:09:05 UTC  


2020-06-19 07:10:53 UTC  

I woulda thought it woulda been more.

2020-06-19 07:11:58 UTC  
