Message from @Rocket_Man_04
Discord ID: 724089484290949131
Only Antarctica is real. Everywhere else is a conspiracy
I ain't scared a no rona
... Hardly any rona in my town
Ohio is the only state that is reLl
Nah I’m just asking if a lot is shut down still
Ohio is the only thing taht is real
In Texas
Not really
Texas isn’t real Ohio is the only real thing in world
Bowling alley is closed
We think it is cuz we in the matrix
Welcome, @Deleted User.
Chinese restaurants are terrified so they closed
Welcome, @Max Headroom™.
And in Mo we have no more restrictions
It’s dope
Not much else really, pretty well normal
G'day guys 🙂
Can we get some pogs in voice chat?
Welcome, @wavybruhgod.
Love this guy
Pogs aren’t real
Pogs? hahahaha....
Tyler Zed is a god
We lonely in here!
I'm here after watching the Dominos pizza video
Hahhah same
Come to Aus mate. There are pogs everywhere here... (clearly has a different meaning).
Neat I’m watching P*** if you try to type it in it does that
What can’t I say it
Welcome, @Capitalism.
Hello there