Message from @kyzercube
Discord ID: 724119198334451712
All that going back and forth was giving me a headache. Not to mention a mess of pics...
Some 19 year old
i mean oh no we need to give them a folded flag
Wait she’s 19
Yo the memes were funny tho be real homies
@Deleted User I'm trying to figure out why my pics and gifs don't get posted here.
The links do but they don't thumbnail
No the person murder in chop @bigacounter
im in a GC with her rn
with some of the best trolls i know
currently inactive tho
I'm not sure @kyzercube
Welcome, @Zacktheripper98.
@SirIron trolling is FUN!
Y’all are fun.
Not to the people being victimized
that bitch went offline
Now here's the question how long until domino's deletes their "reply to a racist"????
@SirIron its revenge bruh
Lmao i saw that
she trolls us, we troll her harder
Someone thought I was genuinely racist from some pics from the server chat. Then again, this person is also a tranny who bought the lies.
they just won't thumbnail 😐
Hi, welcome to Chili's
Welcome to Costco, I love you 😄
This chat has been all over the place.
Costco is legendary tbh
thats what happens when you have free speech.
Why is there not a gaming VC
This chat wouldnt be up if communists took over.