Message from @kyzercube
Discord ID: 724121006398111784
jeese I wish I could talk to someone that knows what the deal is with pic posting in this room 😐
Yo why cant the memes on reddit be as funny as these ones
Sorry, just saw your post.
Bc Reddit is shit
@uzi The movie Idiocracy had sooo many scenes in it that were things that EVERYONE was thinking about, but never said. Fudruckers was one of them 🤣
Thank god for Mike Judge!
Fuddruckers has great burgers
Did you click the image I posted?
Idiocracy was awesome
Reddit is dogshit. Im a mod on r/zeducation and reddit admins already started shadowbanning
Mike judge is cool
That doesn't surprise me at all. I was actually thinking about that possibility weeks ago about reddit.
Sponsored by Carl's Jr
He made Beavis and butthead and king of the hill
Carl's Jr. has taken custody of your children. You are an unfit mother.
Big ASS fry
Double western burger is awesome
Its what Plants Crave!
Welcome, @Beyond the Tags.
I am back, what are we talking about now?
I would literally shit my pants if President Trump made a " let's pour toilet water on it " as a liberal fix 🤣
We are talking about jo
Jo mama
JoJo Biden
When do I level up
Wait why isnt anyone laughing 🤬🤬
Ok, I got a question for all you here....
Wats the question bro
Since Quaker Oats is firing their black models for... reasons, how long before other companies start firing their black models?