Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 725502641538596975

2020-06-24 23:56:16 UTC  


2020-06-24 23:56:45 UTC  

I think I'd be more concerned about the snakes there. Deadly ones. That was a concern when I visited Costa Rica. They have the fer de lance there, along with 18 species of venomous snakes that live in trees....

2020-06-24 23:57:12 UTC  

Luckily only fer de lance I saw was roadkill.

2020-06-24 23:57:49 UTC  

I spend a lot of time in the bush and see snakes everywhere. They are generally pretty harmless to be honest, although we do have something like 8-9 of the ten most venomous.

2020-06-24 23:58:40 UTC  

The Sydney Funnel web spider has fangs that can penetrate a leather boot. And it will literally run at you to attack you.

2020-06-24 23:58:56 UTC  

Brown snakes and taipan I think are my biggest fear of running into.

2020-06-24 23:59:15 UTC  

I'm fine with the crocs. I don't like water much, anyway...

2020-06-24 23:59:40 UTC  

Don't come here and go on a bush walk with me then hahah. Brown snakes are everywhere - and some of them are yuuuge.

2020-06-25 00:00:00 UTC  

Rip why did zero get banned?

2020-06-25 00:00:26 UTC  

The biggest one I have seen must have been about 7ft long at least.

2020-06-25 00:00:44 UTC  

Not sure, exactly. I think it had something to do with earlier.

2020-06-25 00:01:20 UTC  

Every antiSocial Media platform is increasingly censorious now.

2020-06-25 00:01:21 UTC  

He is wondering why, I wasn’t there when he was

2020-06-25 00:02:26 UTC  

I wasn't either. From what I heard, people were giving a hard time with the mods when they were being serious.

2020-06-25 00:02:52 UTC  

Oh okay

2020-06-25 00:02:58 UTC  

I'd only heard bits and pieces of it.

2020-06-25 00:03:37 UTC  

I see

2020-06-25 00:05:53 UTC  

There are people who, when asked to settle down or not do something, will just start a frenzy of shitposting. That makes it harder on mods. I've had it happen to me before, so I swung the ban hammer on those who gave me a hard time when I asked them not to do something. It's really not something the mods enjoy doing.

2020-06-25 00:06:49 UTC  

Makes sense

2020-06-25 00:07:18 UTC  

Thanks for telling me

2020-06-25 00:08:28 UTC  

It's not that mods enjoy being strict or whatever, but things can get out of hand quick, and when people get others in on it, it becomes a big hassle.

2020-06-25 00:09:19 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:09:50 UTC  

He asked if he could join back

2020-06-25 00:11:26 UTC  

You should try muting before banning.

2020-06-25 00:11:36 UTC  

I don't know...Like I said, I can't speak on that situation one way or another. I don't know exactly what he did, or what happened.

2020-06-25 00:11:46 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:11:57 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:13:27 UTC  

If someone's warned about something and gets a bunch of stuff started up and giving a hard time, muting will only work but so much. There have been people who've been warned before, only to turn around and do the same things again and cause issues.

2020-06-25 00:13:38 UTC  

Well, you can warn with Carl bot and then mute. And Carl bot will save the warns so you have a reference for how many times a particular person has broken rules. Then you can legitimately make the decision to ban based on previous infractions.

2020-06-25 00:14:00 UTC  

Yeah I understand.

2020-06-25 00:14:09 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:14:48 UTC  

There are warnings put out ahead of time. Only time I ban right off is for things that are blatantly against the rules where it clearly states they will be banned.

2020-06-25 00:15:07 UTC  

You could even set up a ban appeals channel where those muted can make their case for being unmuted.

2020-06-25 00:16:14 UTC  

Zero said that he wasn’t muted in this server ever

2020-06-25 00:16:20 UTC  

Again, if a mod gives a warning or asks people not to do something, they don't want someone giving them a hard time and getting a bunch of others in on it. That's not going to be tolerated. If they are that disrespectful, then they don't need to be here.

2020-06-25 00:16:42 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:16:58 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:18:19 UTC  

If a mod gives a warning or asks someone not to do something, it makes it harder on them when the person warned gets others to start in on it, too. It's very disrespectful and causes the chat to get flooded with shitposts. Other people want to enjoy being here, too.

2020-06-25 00:18:43 UTC  


2020-06-25 00:18:58 UTC  

its just rules, if you follow them you are fine. its like laws, but people break those too

2020-06-25 00:19:07 UTC  

Of course