Message from @Webbster64

Discord ID: 725759262470570074

2020-06-25 15:26:12 UTC  

Thank you Nadeko

2020-06-25 15:30:28 UTC  

Welcome, <@!456998673147232266>.

2020-06-25 15:49:15 UTC  

Welcome guys, and good luck @r3valutions

2020-06-25 16:13:45 UTC  

Welcome, <@!163213096373059584>.

2020-06-25 16:23:25 UTC  

@Yukon Hey man, videos, links, images are fine in here, but take random videos to one of the other channels we have like <#720450552416305254> or <#719777555242287115> if they dont pertain to an ongoing conversation. Thanks

2020-06-25 16:46:45 UTC  

Hi let's talk cigarettes, where is the best prices for cigarettes in the USA and what is the price of a packet

2020-06-25 16:54:59 UTC  

are you from the US? usually the price depends on the tax rate of a given area, i dont smoke but i worked in retail, and the price where im at was between $5.50 and $9.00. Some places, cigarettes are less expensive, and some places cigarettes are much more expensive

2020-06-25 16:59:27 UTC  

I'm from south African, not sure of you all heard, but our simpleton president decided to ban all cigarette trade in South Africa during china viruse lock down, it's been about 4 months now and we have to pay about 5x the normal prices for cigarettes, now there is word that cigarettes are coming back but they are going to load it with taxes even more to make up for their stupidity and the lost of about rand 900mil per month,

2020-06-25 17:00:20 UTC  

So I want to "import" cigarettes and distribute it to flip my cunt tree the bird

2020-06-25 17:01:09 UTC  

wow. that is fucked. as long as youre not breaking the law, go for it. your best bet is to just try to look up "Where are cigarettes the cheapest in the United States"

2020-06-25 17:01:35 UTC  

North Dakota is cheap as fuck, per my family that smokes.

2020-06-25 17:02:02 UTC  

Welcome, <@!465705066225991680>.

2020-06-25 17:02:15 UTC  

Yeah it's not going to verify lawful,

2020-06-25 17:02:56 UTC  

Welcome, Dom

2020-06-25 17:03:22 UTC  

@Webbster64 "Simpleton" thats very polite of you. I would have chosen a different word for him...

2020-06-25 17:03:35 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:03:49 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:04:15 UTC  

Its funny how you can hear a picture....

2020-06-25 17:04:50 UTC  

one of the best parts about it 😄

2020-06-25 17:08:12 UTC  

It seems like Ukraine could be a good place to "import" cigarettes from

2020-06-25 17:12:28 UTC  

that's actually a business

2020-06-25 17:14:02 UTC  

people buy the cigs here and take them over the border to poland. the smuggling has gone down now that the border is in lockdown

2020-06-25 17:16:48 UTC  

are you from Ukraine ?

2020-06-25 17:17:02 UTC  

not exactly. but i'm here

2020-06-25 17:17:32 UTC  

ah cool is it still under lockdown ?

2020-06-25 17:18:30 UTC  

yeah was meant to end the 21st but they added a bit more onto it, it's actually not bad, yeah the 17,000 fine is a bit much for not wearing the mask, so everyone just carries one in their pockets.

2020-06-25 17:18:32 UTC  
2020-06-25 17:18:52 UTC  

well originally Florida

2020-06-25 17:19:15 UTC  

Florida man

2020-06-25 17:19:19 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:19:36 UTC  

yeah yeah laugh it up

2020-06-25 17:20:03 UTC  

It didn't click until the other said it

2020-06-25 17:20:35 UTC  

I am currently, and always have bee, a Florida man. No shame in being a force of nature 😎

2020-06-25 17:20:36 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:20:54 UTC  

Welcome, <@!209268050489245696>.

2020-06-25 17:21:11 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:22:19 UTC  

@Violence is beauty {MACA} do they have Peter Stuyvesant there ?

2020-06-25 17:23:18 UTC  


2020-06-25 17:23:26 UTC  

the guy from like 300 years ago?

2020-06-25 17:24:09 UTC  

The cigarette brand