Message from @Alinpass (INFJ-T)
Discord ID: 725852676796973097
Did people got triggered by that noose
I'll do the puns here thank you
much to @Violence is beauty {MACA} dismay
Is it on yet?
Nah, I ment crowder
I've listened to trump enough I already know what hes gonna say.
@[TDE] Smokie 19:00 for crowder
idk that's just what the site says
mostly but they both have off the cuff stuff that makes it entertaining to watch
idt anyone saw "your father killed jfk" lmao
all citizens are we've been removed
well that too
I know what crowder could say. But I watch him to see what the idiots trying to argue him say
its pointless at this point they haven't made any new arguments since the 60s
You do you bro
Whatever works
combat the non-believers? I think your looking at it backwards
the way to win the war is to convert those who can be and overpopulate those who try to rule over us. combating the non-believers might win a battle but nothing more
lol only Jesus is
possibility, but conservatives are more likely to be religious at all, so could be more
kk @ me if you wanna continue
@Alinpass (INFJ-T) Amen
Anyone got a link to the crowder vid?
not live yet
Perfect! Thanks
Gods, went to the doctors office and listened to Zed's video and had a lady go absolutely ape, to bad I didn't record it.
Welcome, <@!723714398220451900>.
How so? @Kalshion
She was going on and on about how Zed is misguided, how he parrots Trump's words, about how Youtube needs to shut him down. blah blah blah, the things you usually hear from the demented crowd.
Though i think she was more annoyed by how I was ignoring her
damn dude, im not brave enough to get into an encounter like that lol. i hate dealing with that shit.
were you listening without headphones or something? or was someone just being nosey about what someone else was doing on their own phone?
that's why I'm not doing YouTube
The stream is starting WOOO