Message from @LoneWanderer101 🇺🇸

Discord ID: 726173237670838434

2020-06-26 20:25:39 UTC  

whats new? you saw the video of the chaz guy that got assaulted by chaz idiots because they thought he was wearing a "pro police pin" when in reality it was an animal rights pin...?

2020-06-26 20:25:57 UTC

2020-06-26 20:26:04 UTC  

He showed this

2020-06-26 20:26:22 UTC  

And they started to call him homophobic racist and so on

2020-06-26 20:26:27 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:26:29 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:26:34 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:26:39 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:26:43 UTC  

Now that’s just plain pitiful to ostracize someone over that

2020-06-26 20:27:00 UTC  

yep. but thats the world we live in, and thats why im sure we're going to reach a tipping point.

2020-06-26 20:27:12 UTC  

this behavior only gets more and more intense

2020-06-26 20:27:21 UTC  

Does anyone have the link to this server i wanna invite him

2020-06-26 20:27:49 UTC  

if you go to <#720090117733351485> theres an invite link there

2020-06-26 20:28:22 UTC  

One scenario that I think of sometimes is if some vigilantes in the college town in my rural Southern county decide to gang up and “bring justice” to those “dumb hicks” like me that live in the county’s rural areas

2020-06-26 20:29:58 UTC  

It would be scary, but the vigilantes would get neutralized real quick

2020-06-26 20:30:19 UTC  

are people in your area armed? those "vigilante" wannabes are pussies. theyre not going to go after a target they cant beat up and get away with.

2020-06-26 20:31:13 UTC  

@Wardog Oh, yes. That’s why I said that the attackers would be neutralized (killed) very quickly.
And don’t worry, that situation is just a hypothetical scenario I think about sometimes

2020-06-26 20:31:45 UTC  

But there are some really nutty people in that town

2020-06-26 20:31:50 UTC  

if shit does go down when Trump gets reelected, people might be actually crazy enough to turn that hypothetical into a reality

2020-06-26 20:33:11 UTC  

yep yep

2020-06-26 20:33:11 UTC  

Clearly the Corona didn’t stopped them

2020-06-26 20:33:26 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:33:30 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:33:44 UTC  

I can attest to that. I have attended school before in that town, and I once overheard some other students in a conversation saying “Not all conservative Christians are awful people. Well...most of them are”. That made me quite angry

2020-06-26 20:34:20 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:34:41 UTC  

I wouldn't have done anything though obviously

2020-06-26 20:34:56 UTC  

I know that those that are bad are only the minority

2020-06-26 20:35:19 UTC  

And thank goodness that they are a minority. But boy, are they vocal

2020-06-26 20:35:24 UTC  

back in highschool, i watched this bitch come up to a friend of mine (he was wearing a trump 2016 shirt), get in his way in the hallway so he couldnt keep walking, stick her finger in his face, and tell him "I just wanted to make sure you knew how horrible and disgusting of a person you are." purely because he supported Trump... The quite guy who doesnt bother anybody is the horrible person, compared to the belligerent asshole getting in people's faces.

2020-06-26 20:35:53 UTC  

But they are also the loudest

2020-06-26 20:36:14 UTC  

i was a few feet behind him, and that shit pissed me off, so i made sure the second she stepped out of his way to come up and pat him on the back and say "youre awesome Jeremiah, keep it up man" very loudly

2020-06-26 20:36:34 UTC  

she was not happy lol

2020-06-26 20:37:00 UTC  

I’ve been shouted at by classmates

2020-06-26 20:37:35 UTC  

i got booed by almost everyone in my senior year english class because i dared have a slightly dissenting opinion

2020-06-26 20:37:50 UTC  

One time, during an agree/disagree activity, I said, “Poverty is bad, but it’s ok to be rich”. That prompted a cacophony of annoyed “Ohhhhhh!!”s from classmates

2020-06-26 20:37:52 UTC  

they all booed me, but when i offered to show them my sources, nobody wanted too.

2020-06-26 20:38:01 UTC  

yep. idiot masses, right?

2020-06-26 20:39:03 UTC  


2020-06-26 20:39:26 UTC  

And in that same activity, I was only one standing on the “agree” side of the classroom regarding the notion that society would collapse without traditional marriage. I had to face a mass of 20 of my classmates, and several were yelling at me. The bell saved me from anything further, though

2020-06-26 20:39:53 UTC  

When I was in high school when I questioned one of my teachers on their opinion on feminism I was immediately dismissed as a know it all

2020-06-26 20:40:39 UTC  

its hard to disagree. that same english class, that teacher was a very liberal black guy. me and him got into it time to time, but at the end of the year he did thank me for speaking my opinion. he said even though we disagreed, it made the class a lot more interesting than nobody engaging and just nodding their heads.