Message from @David George

Discord ID: 727270024229814414

2020-06-29 21:02:02 UTC  

Welcome, @David George.

2020-06-29 21:04:23 UTC  

i'm telling you man its a conspiracy

2020-06-29 21:04:40 UTC  

Hello fellow ZedHeads!!!!!!!!! Glad to be here.

2020-06-29 21:04:59 UTC  

don't ever call me a zedhead again

2020-06-29 21:05:36 UTC  

@Violence is beauty {MACA} someone steal your sweetroll? <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-06-29 21:05:43 UTC  

oh my.

2020-06-29 21:06:04 UTC  
2020-06-29 21:06:05 UTC  


2020-06-29 21:06:08 UTC  


2020-06-29 21:06:12 UTC  

Good to know

2020-06-29 21:06:36 UTC  

At least we know CHAZ won't steal it because they're gluten free, dairy free, vegan, soy only.

2020-06-29 21:07:17 UTC  

@David George what wasn't very nice of me and i apologize. I'm just a little bit angry tonight.

2020-06-29 21:08:27 UTC  

no worries. just a little levity. all is good. i forgive as i have been Forgiven.

2020-06-29 21:09:59 UTC  

Oh boy

2020-06-29 21:10:12 UTC  

Trump's Twitch was suspended

2020-06-29 21:10:22 UTC  

Without any violation of Tos

2020-06-29 21:10:37 UTC  

Trump plays veeja games?

2020-06-29 21:10:44 UTC  


2020-06-29 21:11:23 UTC  

I would watch Trump play COD

2020-06-29 21:11:25 UTC  

I believe Jackass Dorsey has always a Saul Alinsky disciple waiting for this moment. He and many others including politicians, actors, etc.

2020-06-29 21:11:46 UTC  


2020-06-29 21:12:11 UTC  

Has anyone seen that cheese guy in the reply section of Trumps tweets?

2020-06-29 21:12:33 UTC  

bruh i'm telling you all this banning going on is hiding something very big that no one is going to see

2020-06-29 21:13:05 UTC  

Check out Joe Bangles CBE (@JoeBangles11): Go follow this guy

2020-06-29 21:14:14 UTC  

Just as many charges are spread throughout the building being demo'd, so there are many among many institutions waiting to detonate. We are seeing the first charges going off.

2020-06-29 21:14:16 UTC  

Why doesn't anyone ban anything worthwhile. Like LeBron. Or are Asian made high tops that lucrative?

2020-06-29 21:14:34 UTC  

Welcome, <@!727269304902484130>.

2020-06-29 21:15:51 UTC  

Generally the pedos operate in the shadows until it's too late. But I agree.

2020-06-29 21:16:38 UTC  

Who's next?

2020-06-29 21:16:41 UTC  

Welcome, <@!445021505240432642>.

2020-06-29 21:16:48 UTC  

Welcome, <@!558398432079773733>.

2020-06-29 21:17:27 UTC  

I think Bolten maybe. He's worn the 70s porn stache way too long.

2020-06-29 21:19:02 UTC  

He's like... Anthony Weiner's mustachioed dad. Just give it time.

2020-06-29 21:21:36 UTC  

Well, I hope not. I know of a certain Russian president who might like to eliminate them...

2020-06-29 21:22:20 UTC  

Welcome, @gundammonkey.

2020-06-29 21:22:26 UTC  

But he won't. Not without the help of other powers.

2020-06-29 21:25:45 UTC  

WTF happened to the reddit? Banned? So a few trolls make fake account say a few “bad words” and Zed is dead?

2020-06-29 21:26:44 UTC  

Welcome, @Th3L1bR4r14n.

2020-06-29 21:26:55 UTC  

I never used reddit. But I do like to say bad words. I'm sorry for your loss.

2020-06-29 21:27:49 UTC  

I was wondering about reddit too.