Message from @Speshel Pandaz

Discord ID: 727328288724484157

2020-06-30 01:00:14 UTC  

and all i did was explain what an uncle tom is

2020-06-30 01:00:28 UTC  

I actually have my own domain and have it privatized so only my Registrar's info is present.

2020-06-30 01:00:29 UTC  

My uncle Tom isn't even bl-

2020-06-30 01:00:38 UTC  

I also have a twitter as a brand account but thatโ€™s pretty standard

2020-06-30 01:00:47 UTC  


2020-06-30 01:01:08 UTC  

@kyzercube read and follow the rules

2020-06-30 01:01:10 UTC  

The server is lit

2020-06-30 01:01:15 UTC  

Ye haw

2020-06-30 01:01:16 UTC  

@thedude shaking head

2020-06-30 01:01:22 UTC  

what rule did i break

2020-06-30 01:01:22 UTC  

@[TDE] Smokie Sorry man, I admit I haven't read the rules!

2020-06-30 01:01:28 UTC  

i gotta admit though that those two months were fun. Rattling the cages of communists, blasting racists and making the kpop stans scratch their heads over the trump supporting kpop fan

2020-06-30 01:01:29 UTC  

url restrictions, I got it

2020-06-30 01:01:40 UTC  


2020-06-30 01:01:43 UTC  

@smhmyhead42069 read the rules and you will know exactly what you did

2020-06-30 01:01:50 UTC  

The one platform I have sworn off is Facebook though. Never had a personal account but had a brand account and when I went on to it, there was a bunch of people I know personally as recommended friends. Many of whom I rarely talk to and have no connection to online

2020-06-30 01:01:57 UTC  

Happy accidents

2020-06-30 01:02:09 UTC  

-Bob Ross

2020-06-30 01:02:25 UTC  

But it is okay to link people to youtube channels we like, yes? I mean so long as it's not a personal channel.

2020-06-30 01:02:53 UTC  

Does everyone have that one girl from high school who cries about anxiety issues but is an avid left wing activist calling people names

2020-06-30 01:02:57 UTC  

Twitter is pretty toxic

2020-06-30 01:03:05 UTC  

Twitter is horrible

2020-06-30 01:03:05 UTC  

Use <#719777555242287115> @Deplorable Me

2020-06-30 01:03:09 UTC  

twitter is a shithole, period

2020-06-30 01:03:12 UTC  

Okie doke, ty

2020-06-30 01:03:18 UTC  

I really just use it for sports now

2020-06-30 01:03:28 UTC  


2020-06-30 01:03:28 UTC  

I try to limit talking politics on it

2020-06-30 01:03:30 UTC  

but sometimes it's fun to roll around in the mud with the piggies

2020-06-30 01:03:32 UTC  


2020-06-30 01:03:39 UTC  

If anyone wants to join the new sub i made for the channel id love to let someone else mod for it

2020-06-30 01:03:48 UTC  

<@!132252326219087872> are you gay? ๐Ÿ˜„

2020-06-30 01:03:51 UTC  

@DirtyBird don't even get me started lmao

2020-06-30 01:03:54 UTC  

<@!132252326219087872> That's the puppy claw ๐Ÿ˜›

2020-06-30 01:04:14 UTC  

She also has body image issues yet posts amateur modeling photos

2020-06-30 01:04:15 UTC  

.mute 1h @smhmyhead42069 read the damn rules

2020-06-30 01:04:24 UTC  

Am still on FB. I get some shadowban, sometimes have gotten locked out, but still get some red pilling done there. I don't sync anything to phone

2020-06-30 01:04:27 UTC  


2020-06-30 01:04:28 UTC  

And there it is

2020-06-30 01:04:39 UTC  

<@!132252326219087872> That Puerto Rican porn star guy! Can't remember his name!