Message from @Ilgauskas
Discord ID: 727352698839629974
Alex Jones 2024
Joe he's like a speak and spell if the speak and spell was lit on fire, shot at, thrown out of 12 story building and used by someone who didn't know how to use words in a complete sentence
Why are people in their 50s still in office?
I hope someone like Crenshaw or Jordan run in 2024
__**Alex Jones 2024**__
*making the frogs straight again*
Can we defund the Fun Police?
*Aoc runs in the 2024 election* <:LUL:725559651759816724>
Fun is racist, #FunIsOverParty
Vermin Supreme 2020
@Speshel Pandaz AOC was found at a track and field court because she said no one made it to the race.
Sorry man, but you’re racist if you like having fun
Harambe 2020
Guess I'm rashist
Bob Ross 2020
I think my fact from 2016 is the amount of write-ins for harambe
You also defend your property and family so you are racist as well... the list keeps on going @PoopaChallupa
I'm glad Bob Ross is not around anymore. The world has gone too mad for such a kind soul.
Bill Cosby 2020, Putting the competetion asleep one drink at a time
@Error only if you're white
Gordon Ramsay 2024
Well I gotta go, I WILL be back though :) nice meeting yall
You defend your property and you are white? RACIST!!! THROW EM IN JAIL
If Gordon was president he would throw fits over everything
Realtors are no longer allowed to say Master Bedroom
You defend your property as a black person? All Gucci fam
I'm going too. You're all distracting me from WORK! Will come back later. Nice to meet you all!
Jokes write themselves
Are you serious?
please do come back
Holy shit people are stupid
I actually wonder who would be the republican nominee in 2024
Are you sure about that do you want another George Bush?