Message from @michael alt

Discord ID: 727455273597534218

2020-06-30 09:25:31 UTC  

> "Hey please tell me your pronouns" who says that
@Hippios exactly they expect me to memorize everybodyโ€™s pronouns some ppl coming up with hella foreign names now like oogala boogala and poo

2020-06-30 09:25:38 UTC  

Ffs, I will use racial slurs (as a joke of course) with all my friends

2020-06-30 09:25:41 UTC  

But honestly, the funny thing is that all these SJW retards are such a small percentage of actual america, that they only get seen as a big amount because they're very common in videos

2020-06-30 09:25:46 UTC  

> @Hippios retards do
@OffensiveTaco hey tell me your pronouns

2020-06-30 09:26:01 UTC  

I identify as a potato that transitioned from a carrot.

2020-06-30 09:26:01 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:26:14 UTC  

> Hippios, what harm does it do to ask someone their pronouns, just a critical question, i have my answer i want yours

2020-06-30 09:26:16 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:26:19 UTC  

There's a reason trump won. It's because the silent majority voted him and the loud minority of people voted for Hillary

2020-06-30 09:26:22 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:26:24 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:26:37 UTC  

I already said it, the harm it does is that my first amendment rights are infringed

2020-06-30 09:26:40 UTC  

> There's a reason trump won. It's because the silent majority voted him and the loud minority of people voted for Hillary
@little hollow i mean i support trump but hillary won the popular vote LOL

2020-06-30 09:26:43 UTC  

Silly hobbitses

2020-06-30 09:26:51 UTC  

> There's a reason trump won. It's because the silent majority voted him and the loud minority of people voted for Hillary
@little hollow
Didn't she win the popular vote?

2020-06-30 09:27:01 UTC  

is that really true though?

2020-06-30 09:27:04 UTC  
2020-06-30 09:27:10 UTC  

@michael alt 3 million additional voters were probably dead people and illegals

2020-06-30 09:27:19 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:27:28 UTC  

you saw that voter registration in Detroit with a DOB of 1823? lololol

2020-06-30 09:27:32 UTC  

> @michael alt 3 million additional voters were probably dead people and illegals
@Hippios its best we dont believe conspiracies that aren't provable

2020-06-30 09:27:41 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:28:00 UTC  

@michael alt which is why the word 'probably'

2020-06-30 09:28:06 UTC  

holy shit, I wake up to find Zeducation has been banned from reddit, WTF

2020-06-30 09:28:07 UTC  

Bruh I'm a Christian, not exactly allowed to hate lol. I even have to love my enemies! It's outrageous lol. Just kidding

2020-06-30 09:28:18 UTC  

well you're free to believe that

2020-06-30 09:28:26 UTC  

But I personally hacked your election and I'm upset I don't get enough credit for that
> @Hippios its best we dont believe conspiracies that aren't provable
@michael alt

2020-06-30 09:28:32 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:28:50 UTC  

@little hollow agreed, I'm a first generation Christian, and it's infuriating to put up with people

2020-06-30 09:28:55 UTC  

@JoeSlice Liberals are really trying to sway this election aren't they

2020-06-30 09:29:01 UTC  

@Gaylord Straight you aren't really a zed fan are you lol

2020-06-30 09:29:16 UTC  

I mean if everybody would just read Matthew 7

2020-06-30 09:29:17 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:29:27 UTC  

boom done. Hate is no more

2020-06-30 09:29:30 UTC  

I've been subscribed for like a year already

2020-06-30 09:29:40 UTC  

do you agree with his views

2020-06-30 09:29:47 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:29:50 UTC  

damn aight

2020-06-30 09:30:02 UTC  


2020-06-30 09:30:12 UTC  

I can't really remember if I disagree on anything

2020-06-30 09:30:12 UTC  

@Hippios yes lol