Message from @Wardog

Discord ID: 727581093217173526

2020-06-30 17:44:31 UTC  

That is a problem. This is an unfair fight as we play by rules and the left does not. I used to be a commie years ago and understand the thinking.

2020-06-30 17:44:37 UTC  

Don't know wardog, I know I'd side with whoever supported the constitution over who supported the state any day. A lot of my brothers and sister would say the same

2020-06-30 17:44:46 UTC  

Hitler was a socialist just like Stalin was! They even worked together until June of 1940 when Hitler thought he had a bigger dick then Stalin and tried to invade Moscow! That's when the lies came out that he wasn't a "true' socialist!

2020-06-30 17:44:59 UTC  

> the military would support the government and keep it and society from collapsing

It depends on situations, sometimes military support rebels

2020-06-30 17:45:16 UTC  


2020-06-30 17:45:19 UTC  

Youre right, i think there would be a lot of dissent, you know better than me, i never actually went into service, but im sure there would be some who would rather fight to make sure the government doesnt collapose, you know?

2020-06-30 17:45:39 UTC  

The Socialist Party candidate for President of the US, Norman Mattoon Thomas, said this in a 1944 speech; "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But, under the name of "Liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." He went on to state _"I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform."

2020-06-30 17:45:39 UTC  

okay <@!162021990646022144> calm down.

2020-06-30 17:45:41 UTC  

Also true wardog

2020-06-30 17:45:44 UTC  

The two guys who wrote the Doctrine of Fascism were a socialist (Giovanni Gentilé) and the communist (Mussolini).

2020-06-30 17:45:46 UTC  

things were civil before, you need to tone it down.

2020-06-30 17:46:02 UTC  

Uh stricken none of us join for the money

2020-06-30 17:46:08 UTC  

> Hitler was a socialist just like Stalin was! They even worked together until June of 1940 when Hitler thought he had a bigger dick then Stalin and tried to invade Moscow! That's when the lies came out that he wasn't a "true' socialist!
@Rider JT

Yeah, A socialist who exterminated and sent to jail commies and members of all "left" parties

2020-06-30 17:46:18 UTC  

@HandyJack With how authorities are being treated these days, I don't think the military would support rebels

2020-06-30 17:46:27 UTC  

correct me if im wrong, but if you wnated money, the military isnt the best way to go, especially as enlisted, right?

2020-06-30 17:46:41 UTC  

In the current US? Yep, you're right

2020-06-30 17:46:45 UTC  

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the labels of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it, we will.” - Alexander Trachtenberg (1885-1966) at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944.

2020-06-30 17:47:12 UTC  

Dude, it was enough to get beer and pizza. I think I cleard about 40k for a year in afghanistan. Not worth it

2020-06-30 17:47:19 UTC  


2020-06-30 17:47:29 UTC  

Nazism and fascism are both the bastard spawn of Marxist thought.

2020-06-30 17:47:30 UTC  

sure you get benefits, but my point still stands.

2020-06-30 17:47:43 UTC  

<@162021990646022144> I dont disagree with you, but there are people who are actually loyal and don't do it for money

2020-06-30 17:47:59 UTC  

@HandyJack He tried to make out that Communists were different and bla bla bla as an excuse to justify what he did! What do you expect from a Dictator? You think Stalin was any better??

2020-06-30 17:48:07 UTC  

I can’t believe the subreddit is gone

2020-06-30 17:48:13 UTC  

Healthcare was optional, and I paid for my apartment in ann arbor, roughly 750/month

2020-06-30 17:48:23 UTC  

Yeah, check <#707691030748594291> for what zed said about the reddit @GoAvsGo17

2020-06-30 17:48:26 UTC  

it sucks

2020-06-30 17:48:28 UTC  

> “When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the labels of communism; we will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But, take it, we will.” - Alexander Trachtenberg (1885-1966) at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944.
@Rider JT

Yeah, compare it with military invasion and enslavery that german 'socialists" bring upon europe

2020-06-30 17:49:06 UTC  

In the begining National Socialism and Facism sound good, but after enough people fall for it then the real plot begins
> Nazism and fascism are both the bastard spawn of Marxist thought.

2020-06-30 17:49:32 UTC  

It’s funny that Mussolini was originally a socialist

2020-06-30 17:49:33 UTC  

<@162021990646022144> A "Patriot" In my opinion, is someone who honors their country and what it stands for. Don't need to be in the military for that

2020-06-30 17:49:34 UTC  

And yeah, some do it for the bennis, but a most of the people I was around genuinely cared about the country and its people

2020-06-30 17:49:59 UTC  

I think the US military has had a few very unpatriotic members of a certain peaceful religion in it hasn't it..? Therefore military service =/= patriotism.

2020-06-30 17:50:13 UTC  

<@!162021990646022144> again, keep things civil. i already told you once.

2020-06-30 17:50:16 UTC  

@HandyJack I was just using those quotes to let you know Socialism took over Liberalism and "progressivism' a long time ago!

2020-06-30 17:50:54 UTC  

The Nazis were just commies in disguise, instead of taking direct control of the economy, they used regulation and social programs to take control. All business and companies were under government influence. Wages and prices were decided by the government. The Nazis were definitely leftist.

2020-06-30 17:50:59 UTC  

> @HandyJack I was just using those quotes to let you know Socialism took over Liberalism and "progressivism' a long time ago!
@Rider JT

"progressivism" in 40-s is working for 8 hours a day and stop segregation of ppl

2020-06-30 17:51:19 UTC  

I am Aussie, we have the same here. People join for a lot of different reasons. I think if civil war did break out, the military would possibly fracture.

2020-06-30 17:51:25 UTC  

I'm not. I'm speaking my side, having lived a life in the service. And the blanket statement we have "0 loyalty to america" is blth patently false and offends me. You're welcome to that position, and I'm just stating why I disagree.

2020-06-30 17:51:35 UTC  

And funny how the biggst funder of the left is a REAL Nazi who collaborated with REAL Nazis in WW2 to screw over his own people! George Soros!

2020-06-30 17:51:40 UTC  

A lot of the people i was around as a poolee were joining because they were patriotic, but i knew a few of them were specifically interested in the benefits.